June 2024 Minutes
Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 26th June 2024 at the Parish Council Offices, High Street, Metheringham, LN4 3DZ at 6.30pm. A public session, lasting no more than 15 minutes, commences at 6.15pm.
K Parker (chair) Catherine Redpath (CR)
S Peek (SP) M Westerman (MWe)
Mark Worthington (MWo) J Simpson (JS)
R Grummitt (RG) Asia O Sullivan (AS)
Malcolm Wallace (MWa)
Resignation of committee member Cllr B Nelson was given.
With the absence of a clerk, Councillor Wallace proposed Councillor O’Sullivan to take minutes, seconded by Councillor Westerman and all in favour.
Public Forum
Members of the public were in attendance and the following was raised as concern; Matt Thompson was in attendance and queried the finances from 03.04.2023 to 25.03.2024 were of concern due to the staff costs associated with the clerk, being excessive in comparison to the local average wage. As well as the cost of the cross refurbishment was also raised as concern based on the facts that only one quote was obtained, and this was a high cost based on public opinion. The cost of the mower was also brought into discussion as this was purchased 10 months ago and no further action has been carried out, due to training not being carried out. The Metheringham Football Club were also in attendance and the following was discussed in relation to the grass cutting services and access to the field located by the scout hut/ star and garter car park. The action plan for the area of the field unfit for purpose was queried as to the publics knowledge no further action had been carried out since the area was deemed unfit for purpose 8 months prior to this meeting. It was discussed that previous meeting minutes included discussions of withholding access to the field. It was confirmed that a meeting is to be set up within the next two weeks to resolve any outstanding issues in relation to access and suitability.
Lastly Lincolnshire County Council representative Cllr R Kendrick provided an update on the various matters and available grants locally. It was discussed that the Metheringham Parish Council wish to put forward the shiregate pond for work to be carried out as part of the current scheme available. Cllr Kendrick also advised that an investigation into the grass cutting on Caroline Road was being carried out.
1. Chair’s comments.
The chair opened the meeting with general housekeeping and welcomed those present.
2. To resolve to suspend the meeting for a maximum of 15 minutes to allow members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to the Council and a further maximum of 10 minutes to receive reports of elected members of Lincolnshire County Council and Norther Kesteven District Council.
3. To resolve to accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 S85(1)
Prior to the meeting apologies had been received from Cllr F Pembery and Cllr R Castle.
F Pembery’s (FP) absence was proposed by Councillor Westerman and seconded by
Councillor Grummitt and agreed.
R Castle’s (RC) absence was proposed by Councillor R Grummitt and seconded by Councillor Worthington and agreed.
Councillor Parry was not present and hadn’t submitted any apologies
4. Members Declarations of Interests:
To receive Declarations of interest
a. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 - being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest relating to agenda items listed
b. Dispensations: To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.
None received.
5. To approve as correct records the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 29th May 2024
The draft minutes were approved with an amendment necessary for accuracy that Cllr D Parry be included in the list of present councilors for the meeting held 29.06.2024. This was proposed by Cllr C Redpath and seconded by Cllr M Westerman. All agreed.
6. To receive updates up to 25th June 2024 from Council & Representatives on Outside Bodies
a. Village Hall Management Committee -
No update available due to the resignation of Cllr B Nelson. A new representative is to be appointed.
b. Metheringham Swimming Pool - Cllr M Worthington provided a verbal update;
The pool seems to be running smoothly with a total of 702 Adult swims and 12,077 open swims attended so far. It was advised that the pool boiler had been sealed and approved by the pool engineer, who also confirmed that the solar water heating can go ahead. We were made aware that a number of grants are now available for the pool. Also discussed was the gas bill, of which is now in credit of £2,500.00.
c. Metheringham Bowls Club – Cllr R Grummitt provided a verbal update;
The bowls club is progressing well through the current season, they have a total of 34 bowling members and 18 social members. A social bbq evening event is being arranged and the club has applied for numerous grants available to them. As well as this they have now been named as the co-op community champion.
d. Metheringham Community Hub - Cllr M Westerman provided a verbal update;
All is running as it should and there are still members of the public making use of the hubs facilities.
e. Metheringham Football Club - Cllr R Castle
No update was provided as Cllr R Castle was not in attendance, however, all council members were aware that the grass cutting of the training field located in the star and garter car park was of concern.
f. Metheringham Gardening Club - Cllr C Redpath provided a verbal update
Attendance was not possible at the last meeting held for the gardening club however, it was raised that the grass cutting carried out by Caroline Road was completed in error and Cllr Parker provided confirmation that there is a 2meter safety cut carried out y the parish council, which was completed, followed by the highways cut which was incorrectly carried out.
7. To discuss and resolve to elect a temporary RFO.
Proposed by Cllr M Worthington and seconded by Cllr C Redpath and agreed.
8. To employ the services of Wright and Lilly to assist with Payroll and Accounts
Proposed by Cllr C Redpath and seconded by Cllr J Simpson and agreed.
9. To Discuss and resolve point of contact for staff
Proposed by Cllr S Peek and seconded by Cllr A O’Sullivan and agreed. For Cllr C Redpath to be the point of contact for staff.
10. To receive the report from the internal auditor
a. To complete via vote all statements of the Annual Governance Statement 2022/2023 (Section 1) of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return
Proposed by Cllr R Grummitt and seconded by Cllr J Simpson and agreed.
b. To approve via vote the Accounting Statements 2022/2023 (Section 2) of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return
Section 1 – Proposed by Cllr M Worthington and seconded by Cllr C Redpath and response agreed as YES
Section 2 – Proposed by Cllr M Wallace and seconded by Cllr M Worthington and response agreed as YES
Section 3 - Proposed by Cllr C Redpath and seconded by Cllr M Worthington and response agreed as NO
Reasoning for response ‘no’ was that we have proposed to split the RFO and Clerk role to ensure further actions are carried out at a higher standard.
Section 4 – Proposed by Cllr R Grummitt and seconded by Cllr M Wallace and response agreed as YES
Section 5 – Proposed by Cllr A O’Sullivan and seconded by Cllr M Worthington and response agreed as NO
Reasoning for response ‘no’ was that we are in the process of employing a new Clerk and the above council recognise that our risk assessment is to be updated.
Section 6 – Proposed by Cllr A O’Sullivan and seconded by Cllr M Worthington and response agreed as YES
Section 7 – Proposed by Cllr M Worthington and seconded by Cllr M Westerman and response agreed as NO
Reasoning for response ‘no’ was that we have realised recent failings and are appointing a qualified clerk and RFO to raise our current standard.
Section 8 – Proposed by Cllr M Worthington and seconded by Cllr J Simpson and response agreed as YES
11. To Receive an update regards the Village hall Garden and car Park and Fencing following Residents complaint.
Update received; A complaint has been logged in relation to the maintenance of the village hall car park and a response was drafted to update the individual regarding the current work that the parish council's handy person is working on the hall car park and the fencing of the area is not under parish council control and is in fact owned by a business in the village. Use of the council strimmer by the hand person was agreed and Chairman K Parker agreed for a member of the public to speak in relation to this of which he advised that as an employer, if you agree that the individual in question is competent in using specified equipment under your own advisement they can use the discussed equipment. The use of the equipment in question in relation to ‘tidying’ up the village hall car park at a faster pace was proposed by Cllr C Redpath and seconded by Cllr R Grummitt and agreed.
12. To Discuss and resolve for the haven care home to hold pony rides in the village hall car park on the 27th July for their fund raising event
Proposed by Cllr R Grummitt and seconded by Cllr M Westerman and agreed following receipt of the insurance certificate, risk assessment and corresponding documentation has been received.
13. To discuss and resolve to postpone D Day celebrations for 2 months
Proposed by Cllr M Westerman and seconded by Cllr C Redpath and agreed that the above postponement be granted, and further decisions be made by the events committee.
14. To receive an update on Grass cutting services
Chairman K Parker confirmed an update and recent correspondence with the contractor, who advised that prior to renewal of the current contract, the contractor contacted the clerk with two official reminders of the upcoming renewal due and no response was received to their reminders until April.
Since their current contract came into play, they have not met the contracted 3 cuts per month, due to multiple issues which include incorrect equipment and poor staffing.
It was discussed that we are to add the training of the hand person on the council mower onto the next month's agenda to be agreed.
15. To review the TOR for the staffing, finance, and Communication committee
Chairman agreed for a FIVE minute adjournment for printing f necessary documents to discuss section 15.
Once resumed it was proposed to carry out this agenda item in the next meeting to allow for time to review the documents provided regarding roles and TRO’s, to give council members time to agree any points or to arrange any changes for discussion. Proposed by Chairman K Parker and seconded by Cllr C Redpath and agreed.
A 15 minute extension of this meeting was suggested by Chairman K Parker which was proposed by Cllr M Worthington and seconded by Cllr C Redpath.
16. To discuss and resolve to separate the role of Clerk and RFO.
Proposed by Cllr R Grummitt and seconded by Cllr C Redpath agreed to request a quote from an accountant prior to agreeing how to advertise the role as Clerk/ RFO, Clerk,RFO, assistant etc.
17. To discuss and resolve Job adverts which are required.
Item 17 was deferred to the next meeting held to allow for previous adverts to be re5viewed and for a decision to be made on how many employees we wish to advertise for and the roles we wish for them to carry out. Proposed by Chairman K Parker and seconded by Cllr R Grummit to postpone.
18. Date of Next Meeting 31st July 2024
Meeting closed at **** hours