November 2024 Minutes
Metheringham Parish Council (27/11/2024)
Draft Minutes of the Full Council Meeting
Held in the Parish Office 31a High Street Metheringham LN4 3DZ
27th November 2024
There was a public forum at 6.15pm prior to the meeting where members of the public, County and District Councilor’s together with any other members of public bodies present may make short statements to the committee.
Public forum: Cllr Kendrick spoke regarding the proposed Lincolnshire Combined Authority being: Lincolnshire CC; North East Lincolnshire (Grimsby) and North Lincolnshire (Scunthorpe).and other matters contained in his newsletter
Cllr Parry spoke relating Cllr Mervin Heads role as NKDC Climate Change Champion and other matters circulated in his recent report.
Cllr Mrs J Gwillym reported regarding police matters and change of areas.
Members of Council:
The Chair Councillor Keith Parker (KP); the Vice Chair Councillor Roy Grummitt (RG); Councillor Mrs June Gwillym (JG); Councillor Ms Asia O’Sullivan (AO); Councillor Mrs Shirley Peak (SP; Counsellor Fran Pembury (FP); Councillor Mrs Catherine Redpath (CR); Councillor Rob Castle (RC); Councillor Dave Parry (DP); Councillor Malcolm Wallace MWa); Councillor Mike Westerman (MWe); Councillor Mark Worthington (MWo). Proper Officer of Council John F Money (JFM)
In Attendance: Chair Cllr K Parker; Vice Chair Cllr R Grummitt; Cllr R Castle; Cllr Mrs J Gwillym; Cllr Ms A O’Sullivan; Cllr Mrs S Peak; Cllr Mrs C Redpath; Cllr J Simpson; Cllr M Wallace; Cllr M Westerman; Cllr M Worthington and J F Money Temporary Clerk.
The Meeting Continued in Formal Session.
1.The Chair opened the meeting: with the usual housekeeping notes and a brief explanation of the meeting contents.
2.To resolve to accept apologies for absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 S85(1)
Apologies for absence received from: Cllr Mrs F Pembury (Family) proposed & RG seconded AO; Cllr D Parry (work), proposed AO & seconded Cllr M Wa; (every other PC I have been involved in do apologies en bolc)
3. Members Declarations of Interests:
a) The Chair reminded Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct: None given
b) Dispensations: To consider and accept dispensation request received by the Temporary Clerk to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct. None requested
c) Members were reminded to review and revise their declaration of interest form held by NKDC where any change of circumstances have occurred.
4.To ratify the minutes from the 20th November 2024 meeting: not available due to workload.
5.To review any matters arising (which are not agenda items) together with action items previously noted: to be differed.
a) Remaining relevant agenda items unaddressed from the 30th October 2024 meeting: None discussed.
6. Christmas Market Stalls request from the Star and Garter: (It was noted the Star and Garter had receipt of the stalls already): Proposed by Cllr RC seconded by Cllr Ms AO. Resolved Unanimously.
7. Christmas Tree + Lighting: A short debate took place and it was agreed who would do what with the existing lights and equipment and the smaller tree which had been procured: Action all.
8. Financial information
a) Swimming pool: from the Acting RFO: that we can send the swimming pool an invoice for the outstanding amount of a loan they acquired for installing underwater lighting when they refurbished the pool. After a short debate it was resolved to send the Trustees of the Swimming Pool an invoice for all the outstanding loan payments, proposed by Cllr AO seconded by Cllr RG: Action the Temporary Clerk and the Acting RFO.
9. Closed session: The Chair asked Members to resolve to move the meeting into closed session with the public and press excluded as set out in the Public Bodies (Admissions at Meetings) Act 1960, as amended by Section 12a of the Local Government 1972 for this particular occasion: Proposed Cllr M Westerman and seconded by Cllr Mrs SP; resolved unanimously.
10. Original FOIA internal review: internal reviewer appointment update. Updated.
11. Subsequent FIOA requests which have been made; Noted
12. Discuss the draft budget for year2025/26, including future capital projects. A prolongated debate took place and it was agreed that - further information would be required for a future meeting: Action JFM
13. Date of next meeting: TBA
14. The Chair thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8:10pm
John F Money (Temporary Clerk) 1st December2024