January 2025 Agenda
Metheringham Parish Council.
(11:30 pm 24th January 2025)
You are summoned to a Full Council Meeting of: Metheringham Parish Council, to will be held in the Parish Council Office, High Street, Metheringham, LN4 3DZ on Wednesday 29th of January 2025 at 6.30pm.
There will be a public forum at 6.15pm prior to the meeting where members of the public, County and District Councillor’s together with any other members of public bodies present can make short statements to the committee.
John F Money
Signed: John F Money
Proper Officer Metheringham Parish Council
24th January 2025
The meeting will now move into formal session
1.Chair’s opening remarks. Brief explanation of the circumstances for calling this meeting
2.To resolve to accept apologies for absence and reasons given in accordance with Local
Government Act 1972 S85(1)
3. Members Declarations of Interests:
a) Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them
at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code
of Conduct.
b) Dispensations: To consider and accept dispensation request received by the
Temporary Clerk from relevant members in accordance with the Code of Conduct/
c) Members are reminded to review and revise their declaration of interest form held by
NKDC where any change of their circumstances has occurred.
4.To ratify the draft minutes from the 20th and 27th of November 2024, 10th of December 2024 and 23rd January 2025 meetings (if available)
5. To review any matters arising: (which are not agenda items) together with action items previously noted.
6. Pedestrian Crossing: : to debate and assess the need for a Pedestrian Crossing across the B1189 bypass adjacent to the filling station and resolve a way forward accordingly.
7. The Springwell Solar Farm: the PC has been asked if they wish to respond as an Interested Party (not as a Statutory Consultee).
Note: I will only include reports from outside bodies such as the Village Hall; Football Club, etc if requested to do so
9. Financial Information:
a) To note & review and all payments listed which have been paid, to be paid and instruct the Acting RFO to pay all outstanding accounts.
Invoices for payment |
Invoice No |
Amount |
Total |
£0.00 |
Paid By DD or SO or urgent payments |
Invoice No |
Amount |
Total Energies |
364070701/25 |
12.36 |
Total Energies |
364070239/25 |
401.82 |
BT |
GPO1251603-007 |
98.28 |
SSE ENERGY solutions |
INVO 22044939 |
205.94 |
Npower |
IN12255526 |
7,076.63 |
Pristine Window Cleaning |
19.00 |
Wright Lilley Accountants |
31178 |
45.00 |
999.63 |
Wages |
2,855.76 |
Glendale |
GC446-0825 |
643.20 |
Total |
£12,357.62 |
10. Closed session: To resolve to move the meeting into closed session
(Public bodies (admissions to meetings act 1960 exclusion of the press and the public: to resolve that in accordance with Section 1(2) of the public bodies (admissions to meetings) act 1960 and as reinforced by Section 12a of the Local Government Act 1972 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business the press and public be excluded).
11. Internal Review: to update Members on the progress of the Internal Review.
12. FOIA’s: to update Members on the progress responding to the FOIA’s received.
13. HMRC: to discuss HMRC arrangements with the Parish Council.
14. To receive a report from the Finance & Staffing Committee Chair:
a) Further cost centre analysis of year to date accounts.
b) Draft future staffing proposals.
c) Appointment of either a Temporary or Locum RFO.
d) Existing staffing arrangements
15. Date of the next meeting.