June 2019 Minutes EOM

An Extra Ordinary meeting of Metheringham, Sots Hole and Tanvats Parish Council was held on Friday 07th June 2019 in the Parish Office, 15a High Street, Metheringham and commenced at 09:30.

Present: Councillor S Wilson (Chairman)

Councillor N Byatt
Councillor J Gwillym
Councillor I Holmes
Councillor J Kendrick
Councillor D Parry
Councillor S Peek

Clerk: Karen Steels-Tallett

There were no members of the public present.

1. Chairman Remarks: Councillor Wilson as Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed those present and made the usual housekeeping announcements.

The Chairman reminded members that they must abide by the Code of Conduct at all times.

2. To resolve to accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1).

Apologies were received from Councillor S Walker (Personal Reasons). It was resolved to accept the apologies and reasons, this was proposed by Councillor Gwillym, seconded by Councillor Byatt and all were in agreement.

3. Members Declarations of Interests:

a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.

No declaration of interest were made at this time.

b. Dispensations: To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.

There were no requests for Dispensations.

4. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Exclusion of the Press and the Public: To resolve that in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business, the Press and the Public be excluded from the Meeting.

It was resolved to move in to closed session.

5. Financial Matters:

Annual Return year ended 31 March 2019:

i) To approve, answer and sign Section 1 – Annual Governance statement 2018/2019. It was resolved to approve and sign the Annual Governance statement 2018/2019. , proposed by Councillor Parry, seconded by Councillor Byatt and all were in favour.

ii) To consider, approve and sign Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2018/2019. It was resolved to approve and sign the Accounting Statements, proposed by Councillor Parry, seconded by Councillor Byatt and all were in favour.

iii) To consider and approve publishing the approved and signed Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements along with the documents for the exercise of public rights on the parish website. It was resolved to publish the above documents, proposed by Councillor Parry, seconded by Councillor Byatt and all were in favour.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 10:05