September 2019 Minutes

A meeting of Metheringham, Sots Hole and Tanvats Parish Council was held on Tuesday 24th September 2019 in the Village Hall, Middle Street, Metheringham and commenced at 19:15.


Councillor S Wilson (Chairman) Councillor J Gwillym (Vice Chairman) Councillor N Byatt Councillor I Holmes Councillor D Parry Councillor D Temple


Councillor J Kendrick Councillor S Peek Councillor S Walker

Clerk: Karen Steels-Tallett

There were no members of the public present.

1. Chairman’s Remarks:

The Chairman Councillor S Wilson opened the meeting; welcomed Councillor D Temple and made the usual housekeeping announcements. The Chairman reminded members that they must abide by the Code of Conduct at all times

2. To resolve to accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1):

Apologies were received from Councillors Kendrick, Peek and Walker (Personal Reasons).

3. Members Declarations of Interests

a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.

Councillor Byatt declared an interest in agenda item 12 as a Member of NKDC Planning Committee.

b. Dispensations: To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.

There were no requests for Dispensations.

4. To approve the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 27th August 2019.

The notes having been circulated before the meeting were taken as read and

it was RESOLVED to approve them as minutes of the meeting. Proposed by Councillor Gwillym seconded by Councillor Holmes, all were in favour.

5. Reports from representatives on outside bodies:

a. To receive a report from the County Councillor R Kendrick.

Councillor Kendrick had sent his apologies for the meeting, the monthly county update circulated with the agenda was received – see appendix 1

b. To receive a report from District Councillor N Byatt

Councillor L Pearson had sent her apologies for the meeting.

The Household Enquiry Form delivered earlier in the year, a reminder has been issued for those that have not been returned, and canvassers will now call to all properties where there has not been a response to the HEF or the reminder letter. It is a legal requirement to respond and provide the information requested. Councillor Parry asked who would be visiting the households where there had been no response to the HEF and how many had not been completed? Councillor Byatt commented that this information was not readily available.

Councillor Holmes left the meeting

The former Quarrington School has been developed into quality modern living spaces, housing 2 single bed apartments, 1 two bedroom apartment and 4 houses.

Councillor Holmes rejoined the meeting

Local Access Point Office – a decision is to be presented to NKDC Full Council at the 3rd October meeting. Councillor Byatt confirmed after the meeting that the NKDC Executive Board had decided to close all LAP Offices effective 31st March 2020.

c. Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Policing Team:

A report had been received from PC Hanson and circulated. Possible drug misuse at the skate park and around the NHS Building is being looked into. Councillor Byatt asked that the CCTV of the damage to the Prince’s Street playground be reviewed. Councillor J Gwillym reported that the Police Panel meeting had recently taken place and the next meeting is scheduled to take place in March 2020

d. Village Hall Committee:

Councillor Kendrick was not present at the meeting, but it understood that no meetings had taken place

e. Swimming Pool:

Councillor Holmes reported that the season had ended successfully with a weekend of dog swims which was fully booked and raised over £1,000. The pool are waiting for the final bills for water, electricity etc but they are in a better position than this time last year. The Pool has now had charitable status approved, and are working on a memorandum of understanding as advised by the Charity Commission with the Parish Council as the landowners. During the season they had only lost 3 days opening due to a leak and 2 sessions due to no volunteers being available. A secondary water meter had been installed at the beginning of the season as a check against cubic meters used. Councillor Holmes commented that now the pool has charitable status they will be able to work more distantly and are more stable, but it is important that it remains closely aligned with the Parish Council. The Chair thanked Councillor Holmes for his work with the pool during the season.

f. Library:

Notes of the meeting with 2 volunteers from the Library had been circulated. Contractors have been asked to quote for the works for the Library to extend into the former NHS Building and these are awaited.

g. Bowls Club:

Councillor S Walker was not present at the meeting and no report was available.

6. To receive verbal or written update reports from Working Groups:

i) Events: The notes of the meeting held 17th September had been circulated. The programme of events happening nationally has now been published and the Church Service of Celebration and Commemoration will take place on Sunday 10th May. It was suggested that a wreath be laid to honour the 8 people who lost their lives in WW2. Further suggestions had been received of a traditional 1940’s fayre in the grounds of the Church, with sports events on the playing field, and it is hoped that local groups will want to get involved.

ii) Project Planning: The Public Engagement evening had taken place on 12th September and 2 Councillors had undertaken an open morning in the former NHS Building which had been promising. The Engagement is open for comments until Friday 27th September, following which an article will be placed in the Limespring Hundred. Councillor Holmes commented alternative proposals should be considered for the use of the former NHS Building. If the Council were to spend £5-10,000 on improvements the Council Offices could be relocated into the building with a saving of the current rent. This would give the Council 4/5 years to consider the future use of the site and secure funding. Councillor Gwillym was in agreement with the suggestion. Councillor Temple commented that this would then free up the village hall for other hirers as they were losing revenue when the Parish Council were using the hall. Councillor Parry asked for this to be referred back to Project Planning.

iii) Communications: No update available, Councillor Parry to organise a date and time for the next meeting.

iv) Environmental Development: The notes of the meeting 18th September had been circulated. Councillor Gwillym had now taken the position as leader for the group.

Councillor Parry is to take ownership of Highways matters. Western Power have been contacted with regards to the field to the rear of the Playing Field to ask if there is a possibility that the land could be used to extend the facilities to include a running track. The Speed Indicator Device has now been returned and it was agreed to site the devices and establish if they are working satisfactorily.

Councillors Holmes and Temple to work with the handyman in re-siting the devices.

7. Clerks Report: The Clerk’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting.

Agreed to accept the report.

8. Financial Matters:

a. Metheringham Scout Group – An application had been received from the group for the replacement of tents following rodent infestation.

Agreed to support the application to the sum of £700 subject to confirmation to what action had been taken to eradicate the problem. Proposed by Councillor Parry, seconded by Councillor Gwillym and all were in favour

b. Street Lighting: To consider the replacement of S/L 6 concrete column at a cost of £1,029 + vat as it is in need of being replaced.

Agreed to replace the column. Proposed by Councillor Parry, seconded by Councillor Temple and all were in favour.

c. Fayre: To agree the hire charge for the Star & Garter Field for the annual Travelling Showmen. Agreed to keep the charge at £450 this the current year and apply an inflationary charge going forward.

Proposed by Councillor Holmes, seconded by Councillor Temple and all were in agreement.

d. VE Day May 2020 Celebrations: To consider and agree the charges for the Fireworks Display for the event. Agreed to accept the display with the enhanced finale at a cost of £2,500 + vat. Proposed by Councillor Byatt, seconded by Councillor Gwillym and all were in favour.

e. LALC Conference and Annual General Meeting: To consider the invitation to the LALC Conference and AGM and agree attendees. Councillor Parry was not available. Agreed that the Clerk should attend. Proposed by Councillor Byatt, seconded by Councillor Holmes and all were in favour.

f. Accounts for Payment: To consider and approve the accounts for payment. The Clerk circulated the accounts for August 2019. It was RESOLVED to approve the accounts, proposed by Councillor Temple, seconded by Councillor Byatt and all were in favour.

9. Public Engagement: To receive a report of the Public Engagement Event held 12th September, and agree future engagement with the Parishioners. Councillor Wilson commented that she felt the time of the event was too early in the evening. Councillor Byatt commented on the lack of younger generation attending. Councillor Parry commented there was a need to reach out to the Parishioners further. Councillor Holmes asked Councillor Byatt would it not be more feasible to put energy into the Neighbourhood Plan? The Neighbourhood Plan is a project run by the village and steered by the Parish Council.

Councillor Parry asked that this be referred to the Communications Working Group. Councillor Holmes suggested that a meeting is scheduled for the discussion of moving the Parish Office into the former NHS Building. Councillor Temple suggested that the Council focus on one project and work on were the Council is going in the future with the former NHS Building.

10. Street Lighting: To receive an initial report from Councillor Parry regarding all night photocells being replaced with part-night photocells and consider further action. Councillor Parry requested that this item be deferred to the October meeting following the release of a recent report from LCC which he wished to include. Councillor Gwillym commented that the street lighting energy had never been in a contract and we are waiting proposals from e.on regarding a suggested contracted and potential savings. It was RESOLVED to defer the agenda item until the October meeting pending further information. Proposed by Councillor Temple, seconded by Councillor Gwillym and all were in favour.

11. Correspondence: To note the correspondence circulated to Members.

12. Planning: Planning applications received from NKDC. Councillor N Byatt declared an interest as District Councillor and withdrew from any debate.

Planning applications received from NKDC:

i) 19/1220/PNH – 38 Alfred Avenue, Metheringham. Prior notification, single storey rear extension 3.4m in length from the original wall, eaves height of 2.7m and maximum height of 3.8m.

ii) 19/1140/VARCON – Land at Heath Farm, Heath Lane, Metheringham. Application to vary condition 11 (storage clamps) to allow for storage to 9m attached to application 17/0434/VARCON, application to vary condition 17 (storage clamps) to allow for storage above 4m of 17/0364/VARCON

iii) 19/1227/HOUS – 9 Kings Road, Metheringham. Erection of single storey extension to the side and rear.

iv) 19/1226/HOUS – 2 Skipworth Crescent, Metheringham. Alterations along with increase to roof height to create first floor accommodation. Planning application decision notices from NKDC:

i) 19/0929/FUL - Land adjacent to Unit 24 Moorlands Industrial Estate, Moor Lane. Erection of 3 commercial units. Approved.

13. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Exclusion of the Press and the Public: To resolve that in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business, the Press and the Public be excluded from the Meeting. It was RESOLVED to move into closed session.

14. Staffing: Chairman of the Staffing Committee updated members on the current position.

15. Date, time and venue of next meeting: Tuesday 29th October 2019 at 19:15, in the Village Hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:15