July 2019 Minutes

A meeting of Metheringham, Sots Hole and Tanvats Parish Council was held on Tuesday 23rd July 2019 in the Village Hall, Middle Street, Metheringham and commenced at 19:15.


Councillor S Wilson (Chairman) Councillor J Gwillym (Vice Chairman) Councillor N Byatt Councillor I Holmes Councillor D Parry Councillor S Peek Councillor S Walker

Apologies: Councillor J Kendrick

District Councillor L Pearson

Clerk: Karen Steels-Tallett

There were 5 members of the public present.

1. Chairman’s Remarks:

The Chairman Councillor S Wilson opened the meeting and welcomed those present and made the usual housekeeping announcements. The Chairman reminded members that they must abide by the Code of Conduct at all times

2. To resolve to accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1): Apologies were received from Councillor J Kendrick (Personal Reasons) and District Councillor L Pearson (Personal Reasons).

3. Members Declarations of Interests

a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct. Councillor D Parry declared an interest in agenda item 8a as a Governor of Metheringham Primary School, and requested that the Chair allow him to speak on this matter prior to any discussion.

b. Dispensations: To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.

There were no requests for Dispensations.

4. To approve the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 18th June 2019.

The notes having been circulated before the meeting were taken as read and it was RESOLVED to approve them as minutes of the meeting.

Councillor D Parry abstained from voting as he was not present at the meeting. Proposed by Councillor J Gwillym, seconded by Councillor I Holmes and all were in favour.

5. Reports from representatives on outside bodies:

a. To receive a report from the County Councillor R Kendrick

Children's Services rated 'Outstanding':

Following the latest inspection in May, Ofsted have rated our children's social care services as 'Outstanding', the highest possible rating for supporting children, young people and their families. The report states that "services for children and families in Lincolnshire are outstanding" with staff being singled out for praise with "the vision of putting children first shared throughout the workforce". More details are available here.

As a member of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee I look forward to discussing this report at a future meeting.

Greater Lincolnshire councils join forces to better serve residents:

The leaders of Lincolnshire County Council, North East Lincolnshire Council and North Lincolnshire Council have pledged to work more closely together for the greater benefit of their residents. Greater Lincolnshire councils join forces to better serve residents

Help boost broadband in rural Lincolnshire:

The county council is urging local communities and businesses not to miss out on government funding to boost broadband speeds in their area. There are currently two schemes that provide funding for broadband improvements in rural areas.

The Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme provides grants of £500 - £2,500 towards the cost of full fibre broadband, which offers much faster and more reliable speeds.

Hard-to-reach communities and businesses could also benefit from the Rural Gigabit Connectivity Scheme, which is targeted at those areas that are unlikely to benefit from private sector investment in the near future.

Local organisations, such as schools and parish councils, can bid for funding to install a gigabit connection to a public building, which will in turn make the surrounding area more likely to attract commercial investment.

For further details on both schemes, as well as the latest news on the on Lincolnshire project, visit www.onlincolnshire.org

Help boost broadband in rural Lincolnshire

Schools sign up for healthy food scheme:

Schools throughout the county are embracing new food standards to promote healthy eating and wellbeing. The county council’s food education team has launched a School Food Standards Certification Scheme for private and inhouse school caterers. Schools and catering providers are supporting statutory requirements to ensure school lunches are healthy, nutritious and tasty. Schools sign up for healthy food scheme Lincolnshire's Family Services Directory and Local Offer needs your help!

Do you know of a service, activity, support group or club that other families might like to know about? Email their details to Children_information@lincolnshire.gov.uk and we will contact them to see if they would like to be added onto the Family Services Directory. Winter Service Plan - gritting routes:

You can put through a request with geographic location of the route and any information you have on why the route should be considered. Requests can be sent directly to Network_Resilience@lincolnshire.gov.uk

Council steps up campaign to keep the Red Arrows in Lincolnshire: The Leader of Lincolnshire County Council, Cllr Martin Hill said: “We have asked the Secretary of State for her support in ensuring that Lincolnshire remains the home of the Red Arrows. “This is something local people are passionately campaigning for, with thousands signing a petition to keep the team at an airbase here in their home county.

Aside from the county’s close historical ties with the Red Arrows, this is also the best option both operationally and economically.

Council campaigns to keep the Red Arrows in Lincolnshire

Armed Forces Covenant newsletter:

If you are interested in finding out more details about the Armed Forces Covenant and related issues, then see the latest edition of our newsletter. Sign up to receive it straight to your inbox here.

FAB awards celebrate looked after children and care leavers success:

Looked after children and care leavers had their special day at the University of Lincoln, when 140 children and young people received awards for outstanding achievements over the last year. FAB awards celebrate looked after children and care leavers success


The County Council has issued guidance in case we have heavy rain forecast. Here are some useful websites and phone numbers you might need: The latest flood warnings are available on the Government’s website: https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/warnings, where those likely to be affected will also find useful advice on how best to prepare. Lincolnshire Police have published a list of roads affected by flooding: https://www.lincs.police.uk/news-campaigns/news/2019/road-disruptionsheavy- rain-in-lincolnshire/ , helping you plan your journeys. If you spot a fallen tree blocking a road/footpath or you encounter dangerous standing water on a road - call 101. If you have a power cut or have seen damaged power lines - call 105. To report flooding in your area - call 01522 782082. In an emergency - call 999. Further information on flooding and how to prepare can be found here: https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/lincolnshireprepared/ risks/flooding/117105.article

Young Peoples' Achievements Recognized

One of the pleasures of being a councillor is having the opportunity to see recognition given to the talented young people we have in the county.

Recently I was delighted to be able to present an award at this year's "Golden Apples Education Awards" to Chloe Chuck who was voted "Young Author of the Year". These awards recognise the achievements of school pupils from across the county and cover all sorts of activities including sport, art, and community service. For some of the winners it means they have overcome personal challenges including disability to gain success. Not only are children recognised but teachers and teaching assistants are also awarded for their dedication and work day in and day out.

b. To receive a report from District Councillor N Byatt Councillors N Byatt and L Pearson are settling into their positions.

NKDC unanimously supported a motion to declare a Climate Emergency and to work to tackle the emergency by 2030. Central to this is having links to sustainable development goals and taking an holistic approach to our carbon footprint and not using misleading offsets.

NKDC supported an increase in the grant to fund a 3 screen cinema and bar linking Moneys Yard to be built in the Sleaford regeneration scheme. This will offer an alternative option for the community as oppose to migrating to Lincoln.

NKDC has been recognized as the 9th best out of 360 Councils on how they rate food premises with an overall rating of 4.7 – 5.00.

Due to significant growth in homes across the district a Boundary Commission review has begun which will aim to balance out the number of electorate to each Councillor. Various consultations will be undertaken with a final boundary change in place for the 2023 District Council elections.

The consultation period for the Local Plan has now closed. My feedback noted that there was too much focus on growth as opposed to revitalizing and regenerating existing communities.

Monthly surgery: the next surgery is scheduled for Friday 26th July in the Parish Council Offices between 10.00am and 12.00noon. The surgery in June was well supported with topics mainly relating to the Parish: One Way system, better communication, wildlife walks and periodic farmers market.

c. Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Planning Team: Councillor J Gwillym had put an article in the Limespring Hundred magazine. We have a new PCSO Will Jones, now giving us a team of 1 PC and 2 PCSOs. There had been 2 crimes reported; damage to a window and theft of a charity collection box.

d. Village Hall Committee:

Councillors S Wilson and J Gwillym had attended the village hall meeting as Councillor J Kendrick was not available. The village hall is in the process of being redecorated. There has been no change to the original Constitution agreed in 1965, the Chair of the village hall is looking into reviewing this. There is an issue with 2 of the groups currently using the hall and the Committee are looking at writing a new Terms and Conditions. They already have in force an agreement with Chubb for the servicing of the fire extinguishers, they may want to look at amalgamating this with the Parish Council annual service to achieve a better rate and then it to be recharged. Councillor N Byatt commented that they had previously refused this. Councillor I Holmes asked who would meet the cost of the service. Councillor I Holmes also asked for clarification of the Parish Council role as Custodians. The village hall are asking for reimbursement of plumbing charges for block drains which resulted in being the Public Conveniences and not the village hall. Councillor D Parry questioned the funds they have in the bank, but this is mainly earmarked for the redecoration. Councillor I Holmes raised the point that the Playschool is currently their main booking and source of income and what the position would be if they did not return in September. Councillor N Byatt asked if there was any suggestion that the Playschool would not be returning in September? Agreed to take this back to the August informal meeting for discussion and Councillor J Kendrick to arrange a formal meeting with the village hall committee to discuss a way forward.

e. Swimming Pool: Councillor I Holmes advised that the pool had been closed for 5 days recently for repairs to a burst pipe which was age related. It had only been necessary to cancel 1 event and it was now back up and running. They have some £6K in the bank which puts them in a good position. They are currently looking at the Management and Constitution which will make grants more accessible to them.

Some sessions have had to be cancelled due to lack of volunteers being available. Councillor D Parry asked if the financial situation was healthier than this time last year? Councillor I Holmes advised that whilst the pool is in quite a healthy position financially the majority of the larger bills will come in at the end of the season and they will have a better prospective of it in October.

f. Library: Councillor S Peek advised that there had been a successful meeting with the volunteers. There are 2 volunteers that have come forward to take charge of the rota and day to day running of the Library.

They now have 38 volunteers. Going forward the Library are to look after income which they raise through fines, card sales etc and be responsible for their own purchases such as cards, paper etc. The Capital Gant from LCC has to be used by October 2019 and quotations are being sought to knock through into the NHS building so that some space can be used for children’s activities. Councillor I Holmes commented that there had been a previous discussion of space allocation. It has already been agreed that MAD should have the use of one room for storage of equipment. Councillor N Byatt confirmed that this is only a report and will come back to full Council for further discussion. Councillor S Wilson also confirmed that the Revenue Grant which expires this year has been extended on a rolling basis which is going to be of great help.

g. Bowls Club: Councillor S Walker confirmed the Bowls Club currently have 20 members and are actively looking for new members. They have a Macmillan coffee morning arranged for 16th August and are hopeful new membership will come out of this. Councillor S Wilson suggested a banner to let people know where they are.

6. Clerks Report: The Clerk’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Agreed to accept the report.

7. To consider the adoption of the NKDC Code of Conduct or continue with the existing Code of Conduct: It was RESOLVED to adopt the NKDC Code of Conduct. Councillor I Holmes asked if there was a requirement to rescind the existing Code of Conduct. It was agreed that the new Code should be kept as a separate document, referenced to by the Standing Orders where the current Code lies and numbered in line with all other procedures. Proposed by Councillor J Gwillym, seconded by Councillor I Holmes and all were in favour.

8. Financial Matters:

a. Metheringham Primary School: To consider a grant request to update the IT suite. Councillor D Parry had declared an interest as a Governor of the school. He had not been aware of the application not being involved in the finances of the school. Funding for schools has been reduced over the past years and budgets are tighter. The IT suite is in need of updating and there is nothing in the budget for it. The Head teacher is very frugal and would only have applied for the grant if she felt it was necessary. Councillor D Parry left the meeting for discussion and voting to take place. Councillor S Wilson confirmed that legally we cannot award a grant to the school as it is already in receipt of funding from a local authority and this would be double taxation. There are sufficient funds within the MACLA account that could be awarded to the school. Councillor I Holmes was concerned that the agenda item was not the right vehicle for the Council to vote on and suggested it be deferred until the next meeting. It was RESOLVED to defer the application to the August meeting. Proposed by Councillor N Byatt, seconded by Councillor I Holmes and all were in favour. Councillor D Parry rejoined the meeting.

b. Fire Extinguishers: To consider the quotations for replacement / upgrades to fire extinguishers in the Parish Office and Pavilion. It was RESOLVED to accept the quotation from Right Action. Proposed by Councillor I Holmes, seconded by Councillor N Byatt and all were in favour.

c. Boiler Repair: To consider the quotation for repairs to the boiler in the Parish Office. It was RESOLVED to accept the quotation from Hydrotec. Proposed by Councillor I Holmes, seconded by Councillor S Walker and all were in favour.

d. Disabled Access Door: To consider the quotation for the repairs to the automatic swing door in the Parish Office. It was RESOLVED to accept the quotation from SDG Access Ltd. Proposed by Councillor D Parry, seconded by Councillor J Gwillym and all were in favour.

e. Wall surrounding the Old Cross Memorial: The wall was reversed into October 2017 but the Council have no driver details, it is a grade 2 listed building. Councillor N Byatt advised that English Heritage would need to be contacted regarding any work to be carried out. The Clerk had contacted the insurers. It was RESOLVED to defer the item pending contact with Historic England. Proposed by Councillor N Byatt, seconded by Councillor I Holmes and all were in favour.

f. Additional Lighting at the Pavilion: To consider the quotation for an additional light on the circuit recently installed. It was RESOLVED to accept the quotation from Selmec. Proposed by Councillor N Byatt, seconded by Councillor I Holmes and all were in favour.

g. Event Funding: To consider and agree an amount for Event Funding; to include Remembrance Sunday, Christmas Tree Lighting, VE Day 2020 and Armed Forces Day. It was RESOLVED to earmark an amount of £10,000 for events throughout the year. Proposed by Councillor N Byatt, seconded by Councillor S Peek, and all were in favour.

h. Project Planning: To consider the virement of £75,000 ring fenced monies for forthcoming projects. It was RESOLVED to defer this to the next Finance meeting. Proposed by Councillor D Parry, seconded by Councillor N Byatt and all were in favour.

i. War Memorial Garden: To consider the use of MACLA funds for works in the War Memorial Garden. It was RESOLVED to defer this item to the August meeting under revised funding proposal. Proposed by Councillor I Holmes, seconded by Councillor N Byatt and all were in favour.

j. Unveiling of the Placque for the Beacon and presentation to Roy Darwood: To agree and approve retrospectively the presentation made to Roy Darwood for 35 years’ service to the village as a retained fire fighter. It was RESOLVED to approve the presentation. Proposed by Councillor N Byatt, seconded by Councillor I Holmes and all were in favour.

k. CCTV in the Parish Office: To consider the quotations for the CCTV/Camera to be sited in the Parish Office. Councillor I Holmes advised that currently there is no security for employees in the office. The Parish Council is already registered with ICO to include the CCTV. It was RESOLVED to purchase the Swann system. Proposed by Councillor I Holmes, seconded by Councillor N Byatt and all were in favour.

l. Accounts for Payment: To consider and approve the accounts for payment. The Clerk circulated the accounts for June 2019. It was RESOLVED to approve the accounts, proposed by Councillor I Holmes, seconded by Councillor J Gwillym and all were in favour.

9. Parish Council Procedures: To agree and sign the request for a Business Credit Card as agreed at the meeting 25th September 2019. The request was signed by 2 named signatories.

10. 849 Café: To consider the correspondence received from 849 Café regarding siting of bins. It was RESOLVED to refuse the siting of bins belonging to 849 Café at 15a High Street. Proposed by Councillor I Holmes, seconded by Councillor J Gwillym and all were in favour.

11. Proposed Car Park and Toilet facility Princes Street: To confirm and agree the selected layout of the car parking area and agree to get quotations for the works. Councillor N Byatt had received some information from Building Control at NKDC regarding the location of Anglian Water pipes and it would be more beneficial to connect into the pipe which goes under the grassed area by the Barrier Reef as this is a larger pipe and would be more able to cope with any future developments and drainage. It was RESOLVED to proceed with Option 3 for the purpose of quotations. Proposed by Councillor N Byatt, seconded by Councillor I Holmes and all were in favour.

12. NHS Building site: To consider item 3 of the correspondence received. It was RESOLVED to keep the site under surveillance and not to erect fencing at this stage. Proposed by Councillor J Gwillym, seconded by Councillor D Parry and all were in favour.

13. Metheringham Football Club: To consider and agree the siting of an additional container for use by the Football Club. Councillor I Holmes had met with Graham Shaw from the Football Club and suggested the ground between the existing container and the school fence be levelled and the additional container sited behind existing containers. This would give the football club access and not prohibit the use of the Parish Council’s container. Further ground could then be levelled for storage of goal posts, the small goal posts could then be taken from the compound. The football club had also volunteered to repaint all the containers as a gesture of goodwill. It was RESOLVED to allow the siting of the container as per Councillor I Holmes suggestion. Proposed by Councillor D Parry, seconded by Councillor N Byatt and all were in favour.

14. Correspondence: To note the correspondence circulated to Members.

15. To receive verbal or written update reports from Working Groups:

a. Events: There had been no further Events meeting having taken place pending allocation of funding.

b. Project Planning: The notes of the meeting 16th July had circulated. These were accepted with no further comment.

c. Communications: There had been no further meetings having taken place.

d. Community & Environmental: Councillor I Holmes reported that Councillor J Kendrick had done a considerable amount of work to look at sympathetically using the war memorial garden space. It is suggested that the back hedgerow be removed. 2020 sees the 100th anniversary for the memorial and there may be VE Day grants available (possibly on a match funding basis). Being able to use the MACLA funds in this way to potentially provide sensory planting and encourage wildlife would be beneficial to the village. Councillor N Byatt advised that confirmation from the Conservation Officer would be required for these works, but the Parish Council could support this.

16. Planning: Planning applications received from NKDC. Councillor N Byatt declared an interest as District Councillor and withdrew from any debate.

i) 19/0790/PNND – Waneham Farm Bungalow, Sleaford Road, Metheringham. Prior approval, change of use of agricultural buildings to 4 dwelling houses and associated operational development – resubmission of 19/0263/PNND. The Council had no comments to make.

ii) 19/0754/HOUS - Stone Lodge, Fen Lane, Metheringham. Demolition of part of existing rear extension, erection of two-storey extension and demolition of existing porch and erection of replacement porch. The Council had no comments to make.

Planning application decision notices from NKDC:

i) 19/0563/VARCON - Waneham Farm Bungalow, Sleaford Road, Metheringham. Approved to remove conditions 2 & 3. Noted.

17. Date, time and venue of next meeting: Tuesday 27th August at 19:15, in the Village Hall.

18. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Exclusion of the Press and the Public: To resolve that in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business, the Press and the Public be excluded from the Meeting.

It was RESOLVED to move in to closed session.

19. Co-option: To consider the application for co-option received from a Parishioner. Having received an address from 2 parishioners present at the meeting, it was RESOLVED to co-opt D Temple as a Councillor and to defer the second interested parishioner pending further paperwork.

20. Staffing Matters:

Chairman of the Staffing Committee updated Members on the current position.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 22:15