October 2024 Agenda
You are summoned to a ordinary meeting of Metheringham Parish Council which will be held on Wednesday 30th October 2024 at the Parish Council Offices, High Street, Metheringham, LN4 3DZ at 6.30pm. A public session, lasting no more than 15 minutes, commences at 6.15pm. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.
John F Money
John F Money
Temporary Clerk
Metheringham Parish Council
24th October 2024
1.Chair’s opening remarks
a)Welcome Cllr June Gwillym to the meeting
2. To resolve to accept apologies for absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 S85(1)
3. Members Declarations of Interests:
• Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduc
• Dispensations: To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct
• Members are reminded to review and revise their declaration of interest form held by NKDC where any change of circumstances have occurred
4. To ratify the minutes from the 25th Sep 2024 and 9th October 2024 meeting
a) To review any matters arising (which are not agenda items) together with action items previously noted
5. To ratify the recommendations of the staffing committee:
• To replace the existing ProperOfficer/RFO staff structure with a Proper Officer Clerk employed for 16 hours a week (in a non public facing withdrawn role);
• An Assistant Clerk administration position created and employed for 16 hours a week with a further 2 hours for Hub support:
• RFO to remain a separate role The outsourcing of employee salaries and HMRC work to remain as it is at present.
• To employ another Handy Person.
6. Swimming Pool: The compatibility of a Solar panel installation fitted into the heating system.
7. Dilapidated condition of the Civic offices.
8. Memorial Gardens maintenance.
9. Addition to the standing orders to allow the formation of Working/Task and Finish groups to be formed as set out below:
• The Council may appoint a Working Group as may be necessary, and:
• Working Groups or ‘task-and-finish’ groups may occasionally be set up for a short-term specific purpose. They are not subject to the strict rules that apply to formal council meetings and do not need to be held in public.
• A Working Group cannot make a decision on behalf of the council, but it can research, explore options and present these to the council for consideration. The Working Group can be made up of all/any members and may include or be entirely non-Councillors.
• A Working Group Leader is not restricted to retain the same individuals during the short-term function however a nominated Leader should be appointed by the council.
10. Pavilion notice board replacement.
11.Temporary Clerks list of questions:
Brief update of information required (with reasoning).
November 2022
Kim Robertson (NKDC’s Monitoring Officer), the Independent Person, Marcella Heath (Head of Democratic Services) and Katrina Evans (CEO of LALC) met Members in the Church Hall and they made certain recommendations on how the PC should move forward: How much, or if any, of their advice was taken on board?
February 2023
d. To recommend to council to use ring-fenced money to fund the MUGA and re-siting of the zipwire
It was resolved to use ring-fenced money for the MUGA and re-siting of the zipwire. Proposed by Cllr Nelson, seconded by Cllr Toynton and approved unanimously. Was this done?
March 2023
5. To consider expenditure for setting up a Community Speed Watch within the village
It was resolved to allocate up to £750 to purchase the community speed watch equipment. Proposed by Cllr Toynton, seconded by Cllr Pembrey and approved unanimously. Was this done and was there more than one estimate?
d. To approve the CIL report before submission to NKDC
The report was not available for the meeting. It was resolved to defer this item to the next meeting. Proposed by Cllr Parker, seconded by Cllr Toynton and approved unanimously. Was this done (I note you have CIL money in the accounts)?
Late May 2023
13. To receive recommendations from the Environment Committee for the refurbishment of the Cross
It was resolved to award the tender to John Burrows with a maximum budget of £20,000 as recommended by the Environment Committee. Proposed by Cllr Nelson, seconded by Cllr Westerman and approved unanimously. Where are the specification of what was to be done and details of who the other tenderers were?
June 2023
13. To consider and resolve;-
a.To consider quotes from A1 Security re fire panel and alarms, item deferred due to not receiving quote from A1 Security. Was this done?
b. To resolve Village Hall carpark repairs, to repair damaged areas at a cost of £4992+vat Proposed Cllr Westerman Seconded by Cllr Toynton and approved unanimously. Where are the details and who else tendered, this has not been done?
c. Toilet refurbishment item deferred awaiting quotes Proposed Cllr Toynton Seconded Cllr Worthington and approved unanimously. What contractors were approached?
f. To consider compiling a list of approved tradespeople and delegate powers to the Clerk to contact the for general repairs and maintenance
It was resolved to compile a list of local trades people and give the Clerk delegated powers to contact them for general repairs and maintenance. Proposed by Cllr Toynton, seconded by Cllr Grummitt and approved unanimously. Was this done?
14. Grass cutting:
a. To discuss the current grass cutting contract and review areas being cut
Maps are still being compiled to show all areas and who is responsible for the grass cutting for each area. Was this done?
b. To consider purchasing a mower and discuss areas which could be cut inhouse, if applicable
It was resolved to look at purchasing a ride on lawn mower in view to cut parish council owned areas inhouse. This is to be reviewed annually. Proposed by Cllr Parker, seconded by Cllr Toynton and approved with 7 votes for and 1 against. Was quotations procured and was it purchased?
August 2023
9. To consider and Resolve actions to safe guard Metheringham Windmill as a community Asset
To resolve the next steps to ensure windmill is preserved for the village. Chair gave an overview of the current situation regarding the status and ownership of the mill. The current owner is prepared to sell to the Council and this may include the house as well.
In general the consensus was it would be a good asset for the village but more information is required. Councillor Parry suggested that the owner writes to the council confirming the situation. Proposed by Councillor Peek and seconded by Councillor Nelson. All in favour. Has a Land regestry form TP1 or property deeds been inspected?
12. Quotes: To consider quotes received, if available
a. Refurbishment of public toilets
Chair presented a quote for the refurbishment of the toilets as a whole. This was much lower than the original quote. There then followed a discussion on the viability of the toilets and whether MPC should maintain their presence. It was also brought out that back in 2005 there had been similar discussions and it was raised then that the bus stop is designated as a terminus and a toilet needs to be made available.
Councillor Nelson proposed to accept the quote, seconded by Councillor Peek. Chair required a recorded vote;
For accepting vote – Councillors Peek, Westerman, Worthington, Nelson, Parker
Against accepting vote – Councillor Parry.
Carried – to accept quote. Details of the work to be carried out, the contract sum and how many other contractors quoted too?
19. To Receive update on Old cross refurbishment
A deposit has been paid to the contractor and work is expected to start in October 2023. On whose authority and for how much?
. To consider and resolve to purchase a second container.
To consider and resolve to purchase a second container for siting on playing field. (bottom corner of Football field.
With the imminent arrival of a mower as well as the existing assets of MPC, it was proposed to purchase a further 40’ container. Councillor Parry prosed to accept with a cap of £3,000. Seconded by Councillor Worthington and all in favour. Have 3 quotes been received for the purchase of this container?
21. Policies: To review and approve the following policies. (Deferred from last meeting)
a. Social Media Policy
b. Recording and Filming of Council and Committee Meetings
The Auditor had looked at the policies and agreed they are compliant. Councillor Nelson asked that the revision date be revised. Proposed by Councillor parry, seconded by Councillor Nelson and all in favour. Who is the auditor and where is the policy?
22. To receive update on the litter picking group.
To receive update on equipment and commencement date
Councillor Parry informed the council that the long reach pickers were available and just the hoops were now required. It was asked that Councillor Pembery contact the lady in question to arrange to collect the items. Was this item carried out and if so were the necessary risk assessments and method statements put into place and approved?
23. To receive updates, and resolve actions where necessary, on the following matters:
a. MUGA preplanning application
Although the previous clerk is adamant that the form was submitted, NKDC do not show any record. Form to be re-submitted. Was this done?
24. Planning Applications:
a. Planning Application 22/0806/HOUS
Application for a non-material amendment following the grant of planning permission 22/0806/HOUS (Erection of single storey rear and side elevation and demolition of existing garage). Changes to the internal layout creating a large en suite bedroom, removal of the need for a window on the side elevation, a new, reduced size en suite window to the front and retention of existing bedroom window. - 11 Kings Road Metheringham Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 3HT
Councillor Parry proposed, seconded by Councillor Worthington and all in favour. While you seem to discuss planning applications and take a vote and usually resolve to approve them. It seems to be for your benefit only. I can find no record of submissions being sent to the local planning authority (LPA) from the Parish Council. A parish council has a unique responsibility in development control as it is a statutory consultee and it is incumbent on the parish council to respond to the LPA - either supporting the application as submitted ,or recommending refusal, if the recommendation is of refusal material planning considerations showing where the application does conform with either national or local plan policy must be included, you can't just say we don't like it! It is up to the proper officer to guide members on this procedure during meetings.
September 2023
Councillor Nelson proposed, seconded by Councillor Peek and all in favour. Where is it, and all the other policies not shown on the website?
November 2023
Proposed Cllr M Westerman, Seconded Cllr F Pembery and Resolved: Council members approved option one, new roof at a cost of £4,200. Was any details of the type of new roofing submitted at the meeting and did the proposer and seconder think they were getting a pantile roof like the old one, or did they know they were getting a concrete interlocking tiled roof instead?
a. To consider and resolve holding a Fayre and Feast during October 2024
Proposed Cllr F Pembery, Seconded Cllr M Westerman and Resolved: Council members present were all in favour of Fayre and Feast taking place in October 2024.
b. To consider and resolve an event budget should it be resolved to host another event of this type
Proposed Cllr M Westerman, Seconded Cllr F Pembery and Resolved: Council members present approved a budget of £5,000 for the Fayre and Feast Event 2024. How was this substantiated and arrived at, was it based on previous expenditure of previous events, or was it just a guess? This detail should be recorded
October 2024
Based on a recent email from the Handy Person: The Staffing Committee / Acting Clerk to produce all work method statements / risk assessments, both generic and specific for the handy person together with a record of all training that has been undertaken, such as working with the public highway etc.
12. Finance:
• Bank reconstruction (three monthly)
• Payments to be approved
Invoices for payment |
Pavilion Cleaning and Toilet Rolls |
£64.95 |
Wilson Alarm Systems Ltd |
£610.80 |
N Power 07/24 to 09/24 Electric Bill |
£5,445.85 |
e-on Next 07/24 to 09/24 Electric Bill |
£198.17 |
e-on 07/24 to 09/24 Electric Lights Maintenance |
£967.20 |
Microshade Business Consultants |
£820.70 |
£360.00 |
Tesco White Paper Hub |
£14.25 |
pristine windows |
£19.00 |
Total |
£8,500.92 |
Paid By DD or SO or urgent payments |
sse Energy Solutions 01/03/24 to 14/0924 |
£238.48 |
sse Energy Solutions 01/03/24 to 14/0924 |
£255.33 |
BT Telephone/Internet |
£98.28 |
H J Maltby F & F Face painter deposit |
£75.00 |
Leigh Hitch F & F Singer |
£150.00 |
Sadie M Langton F & F Singer |
£200.00 |
Total Energies SO |
£47.59 |
Helen Paints F & F 2 x £75.00 Payments |
£75.00 |
First Aid F & F |
£292.00 |
Digby Military Wives (Need Invoice) |
£150.00 |
Naughty Step |
£900.00 |
Paid Chair for stall clips, Rosettes, etc. |
£150.00 |
Total |
£2,631.68 |
Paid in By NKDC |
£11,106.85 |
Monies in Bank as of 23-10-24 |
Treasurers Account |
£8,455.83 |
Treasurers Account |
£4,123.56 |
Bus Bank Instant |
£9,657.24 |
Bus Bank Instant |
£429,614.54 |
Total |
£451,851.17 |
Councillor Grummitt
13. Planning and development control:
• To review current applications and review any decisions made
• Update on the formation of a Neighbourhood Plan.
• To discuss the formation of a planning committee
14. Air ambulance:
Details to be included on the PC Website as requested.
15. Closed session: Chair to move the following business is conducted in closed session
(Public bodies (admissions to meetings act 1960 exclusion of the press and the public: to resolve that in accordance with Section 1(2) of the public bodies (admissions to meetings)act 1960, reinforced with Section 12a of the Local Government Act 1972 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business the press and public be excluded).
16. FOIA update.
17. To accept staffing committees’ recommendation of 10 hours per week for additional Handy person.
17. Temporary Clerk (to leave the meeting):
Job description, contract and wage rate to be ratified
18. Date of next meeting
John F Money