December 2024 Agenda (EOM)
Metheringham Parish Council
You are summoned by the Chair of the Parish Council Cllr Keith Parker to an Extraordinary Meeting of Metheringham Parish Council, which will be held in the Parish Council Office, High Street, Metheringham, LN4 3DZ on Tuesday 10th December 2024 at 6.30pm. There will be a short public forum at 6.15pm prior to the meeting where members of the public, County and District
Councillors’ together with any other members of public bodies present can make short statements to the assembled Members of Council.
John F Money
Signed: John F Money Temporary Clerk
Metheringham Parish Council
High Street Metheringham LN4 3DZ
01526320323 07775692013
5:00pm Thursday 5th December 2024
Public forum
1. Chair’s opening remarks: Brief explanation of the meeting contents.
2. To resolve to accept apologies for absence and reasons given in accordance with Local
Government Act 1972 S85(1)
3. Members Declarations of Interests:
a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make
them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish
Councils Code of Conduct
b. Dispensations: To consider and accept dispensation requests received by the
Temporary Clerk from relevant Members in accordance with Metheringham Parish
Councils Code of Conduct.
c. Members are reminded to review and revise their declaration of interest form held
by NKDC and the Proper Officer where any change of circumstances have occurred.
4. The Chair will ask Members to resolve to move the meeting into closed session with the
public and press excluded as set out in the Public Bodies (Admissions at Meetings) Act
1960, as amended by Section 12a of the Local Government 1972 for this particular
occasion to discuss matters of a contractual nature.
5. To discuss and note the present, also to resolve any future contractual arrangements
between Metheringham Parish Council and The Trustees of Metheringham Swimming Pool.
6. Date of next meeting
7. Meeting closed at
John F Money (Temporary Clerk)