December 2021 Agenda
You are summoned to a Meeting of Metheringham Parish Council which will be held in the Parish Council Office, High Street, Metheringham on Tuesday 14th December 2021 at 18:15. Prior to the official start of the meeting a public forum of not more than 15 minutes will be held if required. The public may address the council between 18:00 and 18:15 on current matters, or issues which may become future agenda items and your attendance is also requested during this period.
Signed: Karen Steels Tallett
Clerk to Metheringham Parish Council
08th December 2021
AGENDA 15/2021
1. Chairman’s Remarks
2. To accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1).
3. Members Declarations of Interests:
a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.
b. Dispensations: To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.
4. To approve the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 23rd November 2021.
5. Reports from representatives on outside bodies:
a. To receive a report from the County Councillor
b. To receive a report from the District Councillor.
c. To receive the monthly Newsletter from the Bracebridge Heath Policing Team.
d. To receive reports from Council representatives on other outside bodies.
i. Village Hall Management Committee
ii. Metheringham Swimming Pool
iii. Metheringham Community Hub
iv. Bowls Club
v. Metheringham Football Club
6. To receive the minutes of Committee meetings:
a) General Purposes Committee
b) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Committee
c) Communications and Staffing Committee – meeting scheduled 15th December 2021
d) Environmental & Community Committee – meeting scheduled 16th December 2021
7. Clerks report.
8. Financial Matters:
a) Accounts for payment: To consider and approve the accounts for payment.
9. CCTV Works: To consider and resolve to proceed with the revised works plan.
10. Signage:
i) To consider and resolve to proceed with replacement signage for the Parish Council Office and Community Hub.
ii) To consider and resolve to replace other fixed signage within the Parish to reflect the new Crest and change of contact details.
11. Christmas Meal: To consider and resolve to retrospectively agree the payment of a Christmas Meal for Councillors.
12. Standing Orders: To consider and resolve to adopt the updated Standing Orders as drafted by the General Purposes Committee.
13. Committees: To consider and resolve to appoint additional members to the following committees:
i) Environment & Community Committee
ii) General Purposes Committee
iii) Communications & Staffing Committee
14. Station Adoption: To receive a report from the Community Ambassador concerning the adoption of Metheringham Station.
15. Community Hub:
i) To consider and resolve to purchase a refurbished PC for use within the Hub.
ii) To consider and resolve use of ground within the Parish Council remit for use as a Community Garden.
iii) To consider and resolve to purchase a storage shed/box for use within the community garden.
iv) To consider and resolve to request the Environmental & Community Committee to look to obtain quotations to make alterations to toilet facilities within the Community Hub.
v) To consider and resolve undertake a fire inspection of the Community Hub.
16. Planning Applications:
i) 21/1751/HOUS – 33 Paddock Lane, Metheringham. Erection of two storey rear extension.
ii) 20/1774/OUT – Land to rear of 16 & 20 Dunston Road, Metheringham. Residential development of 15 no. dwellings (outline with means of access and layout). Amended Plans / Additional Information
iii) 21/1779/ADV – Land West of Dunston Road, Metheringham. Proposed installation of 2 no. signage boards advertising new homes for sale.
i) 21/1536/HOUS – 47 Alfred Avenue, Metheringham. Proposed single storey rear extension. Application approved.
ii) 21/1520/HOUS – Hawthorn House, Fen Lane, Metheringham. Removal of garage and replace with 2 storey side and rear extension. Application approved.
17. Date and time of the next meeting.