May 2021 Agenda EOM (27th)

You are summoned to an Extra Ordinary Meeting of Metheringham Parish Council which will be held in the Parish Office, High Street, on Thursday 27th May 2021 at 18:30.  Prior to the start of the meeting there will be a public forum of not more than 15 minutes if required.  The public may address the council between 18:15 and 18:30 on current matters, or issues which may become future agenda items and your attendance is also requested during this period.  
Signed:  Signed:
Councillor Ian Holmes Councillor Catherine Redpath
21st May 2021
AGENDA 2/2021
27TH MAY 2021
1. To accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1). 
2. Members Declarations of Interests:
a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.  
b. Dispensations:  To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.    
3. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Exclusion of the Press and the Public: To resolve that in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business, the press and public be excluded.
4. To discuss and resolve to accept the Communications Working Group recommendation that an independent organisation be appointed to design, implement & distribute a Parish Council Survey(s); and to then collate and report back all findings to the Parish Clerk for discussion by full council. Such survey(s) to include households, businesses and Under 18’s, format to be decided by the appointed organisation, but must include details of Prince’s Street, Car Park Project as a single question - defining number of spaces and estimate of cost. Furthermore, that a maximum budget of £5,000 be allocated to such a survey to ensure it is comprehensive, inclusive and fully analysed.
5. To resolve to undertake a full Parish Council Survey every four years (or sooner if council determines a need) from the date of the survey detailed in agenda point one.
6. To resolve to defer any further decisions in respect of Prince’s Street, Car Park project until such time as the Parish Council Survey has been carried out and report submitted back for full council to consider.