June 2023 Agenda

Notice of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting of Metheringham Parish Council which will be held in the Parish Council Office, High Street, Metheringham on Wednesday 28th June at 18:30.  Prior to the official start of the meeting a public forum of not more than 15 minutes will be held if required.  The public may address the council between 18:15 and 18:30 on current matters, or issues which may become future agenda items and your attendance is also requested during this period.  


Kirsty Sinclair 

Clerk to Metheringham Parish Council

23rd June 2023 



1. Chair’s remarks 


2. To resolve to accept apologies for absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1)


3. Members Declarations of Interests:

a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct. 

b.    Dispensations:  To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.    


4. To approve the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 31st May 23 as a true and accurate record


5. To resolve to appoint councilors to committees, as requested 


6. To appoint a council representative for the following groups:

a. Metheringham Gardening Club

b. Metheringham Football Club


7. Reports from representatives on outside bodies: 

a. To receive a report from the County Councillor.

b. To receive a report from the District Councillors.

c. To receive a report from the Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Policing Team.


8. To receive reports from representatives to other village organisations and committees:  

a. Village Hall Management Committee 

b. Metheringham Swimming Pool 

c. Metheringham Bowls Club

d. Metheringham Community Hub

e. Metheringham Football Club


9. Terms of Reference: To review the Terms of Reference as recommended by each Committee

a. General Purposes 

b. Finance 

c. Staffing 

10. Policies: To approve the following policies as recommended by General Purposes  

a. Standing Orders

b. Financial Regulations 


11. Asset Register:  To consider and verify the asset register for 2022-23, if available (deferred from last meeting) 


12. Financial matters:

a. To consider and approve the bank reconciliation for end of April and May 23 

b. To consider and approve payments made between 31st May and 26th June 23

c. To approve the accounts for payments to be made 

d. To receive the report from the internal auditor

e. To complete via vote all statements of the Annual Governance Statement 2022/2023 (Section 1) of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return

f. To approve via vote the Accounting Statements 2022/2023 (Section 2) of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return

g. To note award of funding from Heath Farm Energy totaling £2180.00

h. To consider expenditure towards the lamppost within Flintham Close due to a complaint received in May 22


13. Quotes: To consider quotes received, is available

a. To consider expenditure towards new fire panel and alarms as outlined in A1 securities report

b. Village hall car park repairs 

c. Refurbishment of public toilets


14. To review and discuss the Fosse Green Energy consultation and resolve a response, if applicable


15. To ratify the agreement to store the council owned trailers in the Chair’s unit so repair works can be carried out which was discussed in the Events meeting held on 8th June 23


16. To consider a request from a local trader for a suitable trading area every 4th Thursday of the month for an hour


17. To discuss request from trader to erect a gazebo within Princes Street car park 


18. To receive updates, and resolve actions where necessary, on the following matters:

a. MUGA preplanning application 

b. Windmill community asset consent 

c. Playground equipment following a recent inspection

19. Planning Applications:

a. Application 23/0193/VARCON The Cottage, Fen Lane, Metheringham – amended plan

b. ENF 755162 - Temporary Stop Notice Land to rear of 16 and 20 Dunston Rd, Metheringham

c. Application 23/0597/FUL The Lincolnshire Poacher Inn, 53 High Street Metheringham


Notice of Decisions:

d. Application 23/0454/HOUS 26 Drury Street Metheringham – approved

e. Application 22/1716/ADV 15 High Street Metheringham - refused


20. Public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960 exclusion of the press and public: to resolve that in accordance with section 1(2) of the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business, the press and public be excluded.


21. To receive update on the ex-Clerk’s status 


22. Recruitment: To discuss and approve actions for the following positions

a. Appointment of new Clerk (following the resignation of existing Clerk on 16th June) 

b. Update on the handyperson position

c. To discuss and resolve payment method to pay for locum clerk services in the interim


23. To approve the tender for the cleaning position


24. Date of next meeting