August 2023 Minutes
Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting of Metheringham Parish Council which was held in the Parish Council Office, High Street, Metheringham on Wednesday 30th August at 18:30.
K Parker (chair) S Peek
B Nelson D Parry
M Worthington M Westerman
One member of the public was present and did not raise any items.
Meeting opened 1820hrs
1. Chair’s remarks
Chair reported a very full agenda and proposed that Councillor Westerman took the minutes. Seconded by Councillor Nelson and all in favour.
2. To resolve to accept apologies for absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1)
Apologies received from Councillors Pembery, Grummitt and Simpson. Proposed by Councillor Worthington and seconded by Councillor Nelson.
Chair informed the council that Councillor Toynton had recently resigned.
No communications from Councillor Tatton.
3. Members Declarations of Interests:
a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.
None received.
b. Dispensations: To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.
4. To approve the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 26th July 23 as a true and accurate record.
Proposed by Councillor Worthington and seconded by Councillor Parry. All in favour. One point noted that if using abbreviations for councilors in the notes, please distinguish between MWo and MWe.
5. Reports from representatives on outside bodies:
a. To receive a report from the County Councillor.
Apologies received but no report was available.
b. To receive a report from the District Councillors.
Reports received from both DCs and circulated pre meeting.
c. To receive a report from the Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Policing Team.
J Gwillym addressed the council regarding a recent couple of issues and the lack of response from the local force. Councillor Westerman expressed his concerns over the 101 on line system being very difficult to use. And others agreed. There was also a concern over the control centre and their understanding of an emergency call.
Councillor Parry clarified that all forces had agreed to the Home Secretary proposal to answer all calls,; it was not forced upon them without consultation.
7. To receive reports from representatives to other village organizations and committees:
a. Village Hall Management Committee
There had been a recent VH meeting but no representative from the council had been present.
b. Metheringham Swimming Pool
Councillor Worthington had received a report from the pool. It detailed the financial outlook and highlighted no water or electricity bills had yet been paid out of the income. Concern was expressed that there may not be sufficient income to cover expenditure based on the figures provided.
c. Metheringham Bowls Club
Councillor Westerman gave a brief overview in the absence of Councillor Grummitt. The bowls season had ended and work was to start on building maintenance. The funding group continue to run fund raising activities.
d. Metheringham Community Hub
Councillor Westerman clarified if the Hub was able to set up a small table for a book stall at the afire & feast. This was confirmed that space would be provided, following the final decisions on locations of all participating parties.
e. Metheringham Football Club
There had not been any recent meetings.
f. Metheringham Gardening Club
Councillor Pembery sent in a report. Work has started at the rear of the council offices and there was a meeting planned for the 30th August to discuss winter planting and the community garden.
9. To consider and Resolve actions to safe guard Metheringham Windmill as a community Asset
To resolve the next steps to ensure windmill is preserved for the village. Chair gave an overview of the current situation regarding the status and ownership of the mill. The current owner is prepared to sell to the Council and this may include the house as well.
In general the consensus was it would be a good asset for the village but more information is required. Councillor Parry suggested that the owner writes to the council confirming the situation. Proposed by Councillor Peek and seconded by Councillor Nelson. All in favour.
10. Asset Register:
To receive update on the asset register for 2022-23.
Councillor Nelson supplied a list of assets and values. Councillor Parker will now amend the register and circulate when completed.
11. Financial matters:
a. To consider and approve the bank reconciliation for end of July 23
With no clerk, Councillor Westerman apologized that these were not available. Councillor Parry proposed to defer; seconded by Councillor Nelson and all in favour.
b. To consider and approve payments made between 27th July and 27th August 23
Councillor Westerman reminded the council of all payments made during the period. Proposed by Councillor Worthington and seconded by Councillor Peek. All in favour.
c. To approve the accounts for payments to be made
Councillor Westerman circulated a list of payments to be approved. There were questions on the grass cutting – and service received as well as the payment for electricity.
Proposed by Councillor Worthington to accept payments; seconded by Councillor Parry and all in favour.
12. Quotes: To consider quotes received, if available
a. Refurbishment of public toilets
Chair presented a quote for the refurbishment of the toilets as a whole. This was much lower than the original quote. There then followed a discussion on the viability of the toilets and whether MPC should maintain their presence. It was also brought out that back in 2005 there had been similar discussions and it was raised then that the bus stop is designated as a terminus and a toilet needs to be made available.
Councillor Nelson proposed to accept the quote, seconded by Councillor Peek. Chair required a recorded vote;
For accepting vote – Councillors Peek, Westerman, Worthington, Nelson, Parker
Against accepting vote – Councillor Parry.
Carried – to accept quote.
b. Web Site maintenance from Pete Langford of LALC
Chair supplied a quote from LALC to supply support for the website, citing different levels of support and cost. The full package was the general consensus and Councillor Worthington proposed, seconded by Councillor Peek and all in favour.
c. To accept quote for replacement key panels from A1 Security
This is to replace a faulty pnel as well as to rezone the building to allow Hub users into the kitchen with no MPC staff in the building. Propsoed by Councillor Nelson, seconded by Councillor Worthington and all in favour.
13. To receive an update on parishioners request for financial information.
Chair outlined the details of the provisions made to date and the additional provisions to be made to accommodate the parishioner.
14. To Discuss and resolve the AD plant on Metheringham Airfield
To Discuss and resolve the proposed AD plant on Metheringham Airfield and any actions required in response to the planning and review information issued to council from MAD.
All details from MAD have been circulated to the full council. Councillor Parry prosed to hold a village meeting and invite MAD and AD company to present both parties information. Seconded by Councillor Worthington and all in favour.
15. To discuss and resolve small business Saturday
To receive the application for NKDC Marketing and Promotions Officer to hold a small business Saturday using the market stalls on Saturday 2nd December 2023 on Parish office front or village hall car park
It was pointed out that the 2nd December may clash with the village Christmas market. Otherwise the village hall car park was deemed the most suitable venue.
Proposed by Councillor Parry, seconded by Councillor Peek and all in favour.
At 2025hrs it was proposed to extend the meeting to allow completion of the agenda. Proposed by Councillor Worthington, seconded by Councillor Peek and all in favour.
16. To Consider and resolve the use of playing fields for fitness club
To allow the use of fields for a village fitness club twice a week for 30 minutes each session.
There was concern over using council property for commercial purposes. MPC have refused other organisations for similar concerns. After discussions, Councillor Worthington proposed that a trial period be offered free, until the end of the year. Seconded by Councillor Nelson and all in favour.
17. Shiregate play park
To receive a complaint from a resident about anti-social behavior on playpark and to consider locking park nightly
An ongoing issue ever since the park was built. The fence and gate still are present allowing for the locking and unlocking of the park as required. Councillor Parry proposed that the council approach the resident to propose they can lock/unlock the park. If this arrangement was taken up and the gates remained locked when they should be open, the arrangement would cease. Seconded by Councillor Worthington and all in favour.
18. To discuss and resolve swimming pool MOU review and any follow up actions required.
No further developments since the review. Councillor Worthington will be attending the meeting on the 17th September and raise the issue of the MOU and fence. Councillor Parry proposed to defer the item until after the meeting on the 17th. Councillor Worthington seconded and all in favour.
19. To Receive update on Old cross refurbishment
A deposit has been paid to the contractor and work is expected to start in October 2023.
20. To consider and resolve to purchase a second container.
To consider and resolve to purchase a second container for siting on playing field. (bottom corner of Football field.
With the imminent arrival of a mower as well as the existing assets of MPC, it was proposed to purchase a further 40’ container. Councillor Parry prosed to accept with a cap of £3,000. Seconded by Councillor Worthington and all in favour.
21. Policies: To review and approve the following policies. (Deferred from last meeting)
a. Social Media Policy
b. Recording and Filming of Council and Committee Meetings
The Auditor had looked at the policies and agreed they are compliant. Councillor Nelson asked that the revision date be revised. Proposed by Councillor parry, seconded by Councillor Nelson and all in favour.
22. To receive update on the litter picking group
To receive update on equipment and commencement date
Councillor Parry informed the council that the long reach pickers were available and just the hoops were now required. It was asked that Councillor Pembery contact the lady in question to arrange to collect the items.
23. To receive updates, and resolve actions where necessary, on the following matters:
a. MUGA preplanning application
Although the previous clerk is adamant that the form was submitted, NKDC do not show any record. Form to be re-submitted.
b. Playground equipment following a recent inspection and repair
The final report is still outstanding following their inspection.
c. Trailers
One has been returned and the other is awaiting collection following repairs. All that is needed now are the tarpaulins. MWo and KP to arrange on 9/10 Sept.
d. Beer Fest
Risk Assessment has been received from the organisers. MPC have a responsibility to check it out. Councillor Nelson volunteered to attend on the 2nd September.
e. Graffiti on playing fields
The council expressed their concern over the nature of the graffiti and every effort will be made to expunge it from council property as soon as possible.
f. Litter Picking in village
As previously mentioned the equipment has started to arrive for the volunteer group.
g. Fence damage on Station Road by Grass cutting
The complainant had initially contacted MPC who informed them it was NKDC, who informed them it was LCC, who informed them it was MPC! Council will investigate damage.
h. To Provide seating in bus shelter near Co-op
It was confirmed that the bus shelter is MPC property. Councillor Peek proposed to accept the decision, seconded and a majority decision. One councilor voted against.
i. To repair barrier to Princes street Car park
The damage was a result of a large vehicle hitting it following an event on the field. Since then the warning markers had become worse and further temporary repairs made. Councillor Nelson prosed to repair them, seconded by Councillor Worthington and all in favour.
24. Planning Applications:
a. Planning Application
Application for a non-material amendment following the grant of planning permission 22/0806/HOUS (Erection of single storey rear and side elevation and demolition of existing garage). Changes to the internal layout creating a large en suite bedroom, removal of the need for a window on the side elevation, a new, reduced size en suite window to the front and retention of existing bedroom window. - 11 Kings Road Metheringham Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 3HT
Councillor Parry proposed, seconded by Councillor Worthington and all in favour.
b. Planning Application
Planning Application Reference: 23/0891/PNREN
Proposal: Installation of 30kW of solar PV panels.
Location: Unit 26 And Unit 27 The Moorlands Metheringham
Applicant: Griffiths
An application for prior approval has been received for the above mentioned proposal.
The purpose of the Prior Approval procedure is to determine whether or not any further
approval is required, therefore, it is not subject to the usual consultation process as the
Council is only provided with 56 days in which to make a decision. You can track the
application online at
Councillor Nelson prosed to repair them, seconded by Councillor Worthington and all in favour.
Notice of Decisions:
c. Notification of Decision Approved
Application Reference: 23/0762/HOUS
Proposal: Erection of single storey extensions to front and rear
Location: 21 Bentley Way Metheringham Lincoln
25. Public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960 exclusion of the press and public: to resolve that in accordance with section 1(2) of the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business, the press and public be excluded.
26. Recruitment: To discuss and approve actions for the following positions
a. Update on Appointment of new Clerk
Interviews to be held on 12th September.
b. Update on the handyperson position
New handyperson will start on 4th September. Michelle Ruzzack. The council welcomed her to the team.
c. To discuss and resolve staffing issue
Following discussion, it was agreed to call a staffing meeting asap.
27. Date of next meeting
27th September 2023.
Meeting closed 2200hrs.