February 2023 Minutes

Metheringham, Sots Hole and Tanvats Parish Council

DRAFT Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on

Tuesday 21st February 2023 at the Parish Council Offices, High Street, Metheringham, LN4 3DZ

Present: Chairman Cllr K Parker, B Nelson, S Peek, C Toynton, F Pembrey, D Parry and M Worthington

In attendance: Locum Clerk K. Sinclair and County Cllr R Kendrick

The Chairman opened with the usual housekeeping announcement then opened the public session at 6.20pm


Public Forum.

There was 1 member of the public present.

An update was given on item 6c during the public session; it was announced that there will be a 50% reduction in PCSO’s across Lincolnshire. A request for the Council to write to the Chief Constable regarding this was made.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 6.33pm.


Official Business of the Council

1. Accept apologies for absence and reasons given in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 s85(1)

Apologies were received from Cllr I Holmes, Cllr J Tatton and Cllr R Grummitt. Cllr K Rymer was absent and no apologies were received.

It was resolved to accept apologies received from Cllr Grummitt. Proposed by Cllr Pembrey, seconded by Cllr Nelson and approved unanimously.

It was resolved to accept apologies received from Cllr Westerman. Proposed by Cllr Worthington, seconded by Cllr Pembrey and approved unanimously.

All members abstained from voting to accept apologies received from Cllr Holmes.


2. Members declaration of interest

a. Members declaration of interest

            Cllr Pembrey declared an interest in item 18.  

            b. Dispensations

            None received.


3. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on:

            a. 7th February 2023

It was resolved that the draft minutes from the meeting held on 7th February 23 were a true record and could be approved and signed as minutes once the amendment to state the contractor used in item 14 had been made. Proposed by Cllr Toynton, seconded by Cllr Peek and approved with 6 votes for and 1 abstention.


4. To discuss the following proposals and resolve comments to be submitted:

            a. Anaerobic Digestion Plant

It was resolved to defer this item until more information could be provided by the developer. Proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Worthington and approved unanimously.

            b. Solar Farm

            It was resolved to engage with the local community by an online poll to form before collating responses. Proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Pembrey and approved unanimously.


5. To consider expenditure for setting up a Community Speed Watch within the village

It was resolved to allocate up to £750 to purchase the community speed watch equipment. Proposed by Cllr Toynton, seconded by Cllr Pembrey and approved unanimously.


6. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies:

            a. County Councillor

            County Cllr R Kendrick gave a report on following matters:

- complimented the Council on the decision to set up a Community Speed Watch group within Metheringham.

- the budget for LCC was set last week which highlighted 11m in savings due to using new technologies and an additional 7m to Highways.


County Cllr R Kendrick and the member of public left the meeting at 7.26pm

b. District Councillors

District Cllr Pembrey asked the Parish Council if they had any questions for NKDC. More information was requested regarding the Solar Farm proposal.

c. BBH policing team

The update was given in public session.


7. To receive reports from council representatives on other outside bodies:

i. Village Hall Management Committee

Cllr Parry gave an update from the meeting held on 25th January 23 and informed council of another meeting being held on 22nd February 23. An update was given regarding the village hall financial position.

ii. Metheringham Swimming Pool

Cllr Worthington in the Council representative on the Swimming Pool Committee. However, in the past 10 months since this appointment, there has been no committee meetings, only trustee meetings. It was resolved to pass this concern to the MOU review committee to investigate further. Proposed by Cllr Nelson, seconded by Cllr Toynton and approved unanimously.

iii. Metheringham Community Hub

No report received.

iv. Metheringham Bowls Club

No report received.

v. Metheringham Football Club

Reports from the club included a request to meet with the MOU committee as they are unhappy with the lack of maintenance of the facilities recently.


8. Finances:

            a. To receive update on the council finances

An update was given to the recent steps taken to bring all financial records up-to-date following the resignation of the Clerk back in August.

b. To approve accounts for payment

It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment. Proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Toynton and approved unanimously.

c. To resolve to enter the LCC Parish Agreement for grass cutting and raise the outstanding invoices

It was resolved to enter into the agreement and raise the invoices for the current and previous financial year. Proposed by Cllr Toynton, seconded by Cllr Worthington and approved unanimously.

d. To approve the CIL report before submission to NKDC

The report was not available for the meeting. It was resolved to defer this item to the next meeting. Proposed by Cllr Parker, seconded by Cllr Toynton and approved unanimously.


9. To discuss the sewerage and flooding issue on Drury Street and resolve next steps, if any

It was resolved to defer this item to the next meeting. Proposed by Cllr Parker, seconded by Cllr Nelson and approved unanimously.


10. to discuss the new bus stop location and resolve next steps, if any

It was resolved that the Clerk would draft a letter to NKDC with its views on the new bus stop location as previous correspondence was not sent during the consultation period. Proposed by Cllr Nelson, seconded by Cllr Pembrey and approved with 6 votes for and Cllr Worthington abstained.


11. To review/adopt the following policies:

            a. Grants policy and application form

It was resolved to defer this item to the next meeting. Proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Pembrey and approved unanimously.

            b. CCTV Policy

It was resolved to defer this to the General Purposes committee. Proposed by Cllr Toynton, seconded by Cllr Pembrey and approved unanimously.


12. To discuss and resolve quote for the grass cutting contract with Glendale

It was resolved to accept the quote received for 2023. As the quote was within the 5% increase margin, no further quotes were required. Proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Pembrey and approved unanimously.


13. To resolve a representative onto the swimming pool review panel following the resignation of Cllr D Holmes

It was resolved that Cllr Nelson join the Swimming Pool Review Panel. Proposed by Cllr D Parry, seconded by Cllr Pembrey and approved unanimously.


14. Environment Committee:

            a. To recommend to council the siting of the MUGA

It was resolved to site the MUGA back to the original location further around the corner. Proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Toynton and approved unanimously.

            b. To recommend to council the quote from the prefer supplier

It was resolved to accept the quote from Mr Treehouse and Mr Zipwire Ltd and clerk to find out if planning permission is required. Proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Toynton and approved unanimously.

c. To recommend to council the re-siting of the zipwire

It was resolved to relocate the zipwire to run parallel to the existing play park fencing. Proposed by Cllr Nelson, seconded by Cllr Toynton and approved unanimously.

d. To recommend to council to use ring-fenced money to fund the MUGA and re-siting of the zipwire

It was resolved to use ring-fenced money for the MUGA and re-siting of the zipwire. Proposed by Cllr Nelson, seconded by Cllr Toynton and approved unanimously.

e. To recommend that the Gardening Club be allowed to attach seasonal designs to the metal green structures outside the council office

It was resolved to allow the Gardening Club to attach season designs. Proposed by Cllr Pembrey, seconded by Cllr Peek and approved unanimously.

f. To recommend to council to allow the Gardening Club to site a small storage unit for hand tools and sundries

It was resolved to allow the Gardening club to site a small storage unit within the village in principle but final location and size to be agreed.


15. To consider and resolve the tablets purchased by MPC in respect of the following:

            a. Has the purchase been completed and are all assets present

The purchase would appear to have been completed and the assets are fully owned by MPC. There are only 12 tablets within the office building. Clerk to request that all tablets be returned to the office.

b. What software is installed and what are the annual ongoing costs of maintaining the licence(s)

No ongoing costs were known. It was resolved to cancel any subscriptions linked to the tablets if there are any. Proposed by Cllr Worthington, seconded by Cllr Pembrey and approved unanimously.

            c. What, if any, future use they may have when considering training for all

            No future use was identified.

            d. Investigate possible disposal options and costs as they currently stand

It was resolved to dispose of the tablets by donating them to the local primary school.

Proposed by Cllr Pembrey, seconded by Cllr Peek and approved unanimously.


16. To discuss and consider the table currently in the parish office which has been in it’s possession for many years.

It was resolved to loan the table to the hub indefinitely. Proposed by Cllr Pembrey, seconded by Cllr Toynton and approved with 6 votes for and 1 abstention.


17. To consider and resolve a request to use an area of the car park on Princes Street for a sweet stall

It was resolved to allow the resident to park in the car park and sell sweets from the boot of their car. Proposed by Cllr Toynton, seconded by Cllr Pembrey and approved unanimously.


18. Planning Applications

a. Application 23/0160/HOUS 24 Londesborough Way Metheringham

No comments were raised.

b. Application 23/0059/HOUS 35 Lincoln Road Metheringham

No comments were raised.

19. To consider and resolved for the Football club to source external cleaning arrangements until the cleaning position is filled

It was resolved to allow the Football Club source external cleaning arrangements and bill the Council for 2 hours (£15 per hour) per week. Proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Worthington and approved unanimously.

20. To receive update on applications for the Clerk position

There have been 17 applications. The interview panel will sift the applications and arrange interviews in the coming weeks.


21. Date and time of next meeting

Extra-ordinary meeting to be held on 3 March 2023 at 6.30pm