June 2023 Minutes

 Metheringham, Sots Hole and Tanvats Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on

Wednesday 28th June 2023 at the Parish Council Offices, High Street, Metheringham, LN4 3DZ

Present: Chairman Cllr K Parker, Cllrs B Nelson, S Peek, C Toynton, D Parry, F Pembery, M Worthington, and M Westerman


Public Forum.

There were no members of the public present.


The Chairman opened with the usual housekeeping and opened the meeting at 6.30pm.


Official Business of the Council

1. Chair’s remarks


2. Accept apologies for absence and reasons given in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 s85(1)

Apologies were received from Cllr Grummitt.

It was resolved to accept apologies received from Cllr Grummitt. Proposed by Cllr Westerman, seconded by Cllr Worthington and approved unanimously.


3. Members declaration of interest

a. Members declaration of interest

None received.

b. Dispensations

None received.


4. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 28th June 2023

It was resolved that the draft minutes from the meeting held on 28th June 2023 were a true record and could be approved and signed as minutes. Proposed by Cllr Nelson, seconded by Cllr Westerman and approved unanimously.


5. To resolve to appoint Cllr Pembury as members of the staffing committee

It was resolved to appoint Cllr Pembery onto the Staffing committee. Proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Worthington and approved unanimously.


7. Reports from representatives on outside bodies:

a. To receive a report from the County Councillor

County Cllr R Kendrick was not present but sent a brief report via email.

b. To receive a report from the District Councillors

District Cllrs D Parry and F Pembury both issued reports.

c. To receive a report from the Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Policing Team

No report was received from the Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Policing Team.



8. Reports from Council representatives on other village organisation and committees:

a. Metheringham Village Hall Management Committee

Cllr Toynton reported the Village Hall Management Committee had scheduled Two meetings and the have been cancelled, a feeling of unrest within the group, it feels that one person rather than a committee is running the VH.


b. Metheringham Swimming Pool

Cllr Worthington had not received a report prior to the meeting there is talk of combining trustee and committee meetings, all rather confusing. The pool appears to be running at a loss again. The land that the pool have claimed is causing ongoing issues. There is no evidence that the land has been gifted to them


            c. Metheringham Bowls Club

Cllr Grummitt reported that the club is very active with several new members. Bowls Club - They have a good amount of members, social members on the rise, possibly due to now having a licensed bar? A water leak costing £2000 does not now need to be paid.


d. Metheringham Community Hub

Cllr Westerman No changes reported, a new volunteer has come forward to help with the library which is doing ok.


e. Metheringham Football Club

Cllr Parker informed council that the Football Club They want to know when we are moving the zip wire, we are waiting on planning, then we can inform the Football Club. The grass cutting was reported as poor, however when approached the grass cutting company said that out of 90 pitches they cut, they only get complaints from Metheringham need to check where Glendale cut grass for clarification. The club would like to use some fertiliser that they have tested on The Star and Garter Field, suggest waiting until school breaks up for. Summer, and we need to check the safety of the fertiliser.


f. Gardening Club    

Gardening club may move some unwanted soil. They are happily making the village beautiful


9. Sub Committees

a. It was proposed after much discussion that the General Purposes Committee be dissolved and integrated into the main council agenda. Proposed Cllr Parry seconded by Cllr Nelson and approved unanimously.


b. Finance - Standing orders are quarterly, they are to be signed off monthly by the delegated people Proposed Cllr Westerman Seconded by Cllr Toynton  approved unanimously


c. Staffing Committee to continue as is Proposed Cllr Nelson, Seconded by Cllr Westerman approved unanimously.


10. Policies:

a. Standing Orders, was found to be acceptable as they are compliant with LGA and are law. Cllr Nelson requested all irrelevant sections to be removed, he was reminded this is not possible as they are mandatory. Proposed by Cllr Toynton, seconded by Cllr Westerman approved unanimously.

b. Financial regs was reviewed and adopted with no changes Proposed Cllr Westerman Seconded by Cllr Worthington approved unanimously.


11. Asset Register: To consider and verify the asset register for 2022-23, if available (deferred     from last meeting)

The asset register was not available for review.


12. Financial Matters:

a. To consider and approve the bank reconciliation for end of April 23

The bank reconciliation was not available for the meeting. It was resolved to defer this to the next meeting. Proposed by Cllr Nelson, seconded by Cllr Toymton approved unanimously.

b. To consider and approve the payments made between 17th May and 30th May 23

Payments for approval - Marie Shaw £90 for cleaning of pavilion. Trailer repairs £2000, Electricity bill appeared high and a clarification of bills (3 providers) is to be discussed with Kirsty before payment. Proposed Cllr Worthington Seconded by Cllr Westerman  and approved unanimously

c. Accounts to be approved

d. Internal auditor - defer until info is sent through. Proposed Cllr Parker Seconded Cllr Westerman and approved unanimously

e. To go through tick boxes for Keith to sign, info read out for council to vote, items 1-8 all yes, item 9 N/A

Item 1 Proposed Cllr Westerman Seconded Cllr Worthington and approved unanimously

Item 2 Proposed Cllr  Nelson Seconded Cllr Westerman and approved unanimously

Item 3 Proposed Cllr Westerman Seconded Cllr Worthington and approved unanimously

Item 4 Proposed Cllr Parry, Seconded Cllr Worthington and approved unanimously

Item 5 Proposed Cllr Westerman, Seconded – Cllr Worthington and approved unanimously

Item 6 Proposed Cllr Toynton, Seconded Cllr Westerman and approved unanimously

Item 7 Proposed CllrToynton Seconded Cllr Nelson and approved unanimously

Item 8 Proposed Cllr Westerman, Seconded Cllr Toynton and approved unanimously

Item 9 N/A Proposed Cllr Toynton Seconded Cllr Nelson and approved unanimously

f. Proposed Cllr Westerman, Seconded Cllr Parry and approved unanimously

g. Award of £2180 from Heath Farm Energy for defies, thanks noted

h. Replacement street light for Flintham Close after resident complaint, approved at £350+vat Proposed Cllr Westerman, Seconded Cllr Peek and approved unanimously


c. To approve the accounts for payment to made

The list of payments was circulated. See attached Appendix A. It was resolved to approve the list of payments to be made. Proposed by Cllr Toynton, seconded by Cllr Nelson and approved unanimously.


13. To consider and resolve;-

a.To consider quotes from A1 Security re fire panel and alarms, item deferred due to not receiving quote from A1 Security.

b. To resolve Village Hall carpark repairs, to repair damaged areas at a cost of £4992+vat Proposed Cllr Westerman Seconded by Cllr Toynton and approved unanimously.

c. Toilet refurbishment item deferred awaiting quotes Proposed Cllr Toynton Seconded Cllr Worthington and approved unanimously.


14. To look into Fosse Green Energy’s proposals in more depth, and discuss later Maybe invite the public to comment. Proposed Cllr Parker Seconded Cllr Parry and approved unanimously.


15. N/A item No. not on agenda





16. To allow the Bread and Cheese man to trade in front of the office

It was resolved to allow the Bread and Cheese man to trade in front of the office for six months and then review situation around parking etc. Proposed Cllr Pembery Seconded Cllr Westerman  and approved unanimously


17. To discuss Shugs Sweets trading,

it was decided that she go back to the original agreement, to trade from car boot, not gazebo. Proposed Cllr Parry Seconded Cllr Nelson and approved unanimously.


18. to discuss progress on:-

a. MUGA –

Cllr Pembery and Cllr Parry to check on planning status in they’re capacity as District Councillors .

b. Windmill, Community Assett. Rumours suggest Lafford Homes have purchased, with a house promised to the previous owner. Cllr Parry to investigate and find out more information from NKDC.

c. Playground equipment. A report from the inspection has found several faults, the company are to return to carry out repairs. This cannot be signed off until the inspector allows.


19. Planning applications:

a.         Application 23/0193/VARCON The Cottage, Fen Lane, Metheringham – amended plan proposed Cllr Toynton Seconded Cllr Nelson Cllr Pembery Abstained remainder Approved

b.         ENF 755162 - Temporary Stop Notice Land to rear of 16 and 20 Dunston Rd, Metheringham - Noted

c.         Application 23/0597/FUL The Lincolnshire Poacher Inn  53 High Street Metheringham Proposed Cllr Westerman Seconded Cllr Toynton and approved unanimously


Notice of Decisions:

d.         Application 23/0454/HOUS 26 Drury Street Metheringham – approved No comments were made

e.         Application 22/1716/ADV 15 High Street Metheringham – refused No comments were made


20. Public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960 exclusion of the press and public: To resolve that in accordance with section 1(2) of the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business, the press and public be excluded.

It was resolved to enter into closed session. Proposed by Cllr Tatton, seconded by Cllr Peek and approved unanimously.


21. The ex clerk (KST) is refusing to correspond and so it has been advised that we do not pay her any money and close down the investigation.


22. New clerks role to be advertised, following the same procedure as previous. Pay scale NJ32-36 dependant on experience and qualifications. Proposed Cllr Parry Seconded Cllr Westerman  and approved unanimously.


b. Handy persons role has been shortlisted

22. Date and time of next meeting

Wednesday 26 July at 6.30pm.


The meeting closed at 9.15pm.