September 2023 Minutes
Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting of Metheringham Parish Council which was held in the Parish Council Office, High Street, Metheringham on Tuesday 26th September at 18:30.
K Parker (chair) B Nelson
M Westerman M Worthington
D Parry S Peek
J Tatton J Simpson
R Kendrick (LCC)
One member of the public was present and did not raise any items.
Meeting opened 1825hrs
1. Chair comments
Chair reported a very full agenda and proposed that Councillor Westerman took the minutes. Seconded by Councillor Simpson and all in favour.
2. To resolve to accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 S85(1)
Apologies received from Councillors Grummitt and Pembery. Proposed by Councillor Tatton and seconded by Councillor Worthington. All were in favour.
3. Members Declarations of Interests:
a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct
Councillor Worthington declared an interest in item 27 and Councillor Tatton in item 26.
b. Dispensations: To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.
None were received.
4. To approve the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 30th August 23 as a true and accurate record.
Councillor Simpson asked for his name to be added to the apologies. It was also pointed out that the word Agenda be removed from the front page and the page numbers sorted out. Given these amendments to be made, the minutes were proposed by Councillor Nelson and seconded by Councillor Peek and all in favour.
5. Reports from representatives on outside bodies:
a. To receive a report from the County Councillor.
Councillor Kendrick had submitted his report and gave an overview of the contents.
There is an extra £10m being made available for roads this year.
He has visited the Woodhall Spa road to view the complex progress on the repairs.
Lincoln Castle is to receive improved lighting and the dragons will be staying until
Councillor Parry asked about the Bardney Causeway and any plans for repairs.
Councillor Kendrick will enquire.
Councillor Parker enquired into the review of the bus stop on High Street which was due
by the end of September. Councillor Kendrick to remind Highways.
b. To receive a report from the District Councillors.
Councillor Parry had circulated his report pre meeting. Councillor Parker asked if the
next District session in the Hub can be attended by a Parish councillor. Councillor Parry
said that any Parish councillor is welcome.
c. To receive a report from the Neighbourhood Policing Team.
J Gwillym addressed the council regarding the lack of reports from the police to the council. No one is available for all the dates for the council meetings.
She did inform the council that 39 extra officers are to be employed across the county and 15 additional call handlers.
6. To receive reports from representatives to other village organizations and committees:
a. Village Hall Management Committee
Councillor Parker attended the last Hall meeting. The hall is looking secure financially. The main user is the pre school and other events in the evenings.
The hearing loop has now been repaired.
b. Metheringham Swimming Pool
Councillor Worthington gave his report of attending the pool meeting recently. The meeting had been chaired by I Holmes, even though the committee chair, M Wright was present at the meeting. Item 11 of the agenda deals with specific items arising from the meeting.
c. Metheringham Bowls Club
Councillor Simpson read out the report with the absence of Councillor Grummitt. The club has now finished the season and had a good one with none of the teams finishing bottom of the leagues. Membership stays strong and social activities continue to be well supported.
d. Metheringham Community Hub
Councillor Westerman reported on several more new volunteers joining the team and the Primary school engaging for the new term to attend the library. The Hub is still used frequently by groups including the Over 60s and an after school club.
e. Metheringham Football Club
Councillor Parker report that the football club are now storing items in the Pavilion grounds. The school have written to the council expressing their concern.
The football club have agreed to the siting of a container for the Council in the corner of a field.
f. Metheringham Gardening Club
Councillor Worthington reportd that the club have purchased a number of winter planting bulbs/
Councillor Westerman openly thanked the gardening club for their work around the village and particularly the work around the hub building, making it look so much better.
7. To elect a representative for the village Hall
To elect Village Hall rep
With the departure of Councillor Tonyton a new council representative is required for the
village Hall. Councillor Nelson expressed his interest. This was proposed by Councillor Parker
and seconded by Councillor Worthington. All were in favour.
8. Financial matters:
a. To consider and resolve the amendment to the AGAR form
The AGAR had been returned with just two comments. One was a Rialtas report required when the system will allow a print out to be made and secondly the Box 9 figure was slightly incorrect. This needed the initials of two Councillors. Councillor Parker as Chair and Councillor Westerman as Finance chair. Proposed by Councillor Parry and seconded by Councillor Tatton and all in favour.
b. To consider and approve the bank reconciliation for end of August 23
This item had to be deferred due to computer issues. Propsoed by Councillor Nelson and seconded by Councillor Peek and all in favour.
c. To consider and approve payments made between 27th August and 26th September 23
Councillor Parker assured the council that all invoices had been paid but unable to produce the report due to aforementioned computer issues.
d. To approve the accounts for payments to be made
Deferred because of above reason.
9. Asset Register:
To receive update on the asset register for 2022-23.
Councillor Parker informed the council that aprt from a few smaller items and the storeroom in the council building, the asset survey is almost complete. Councillor Worthington proposed to defer the item until the next meeting; seconded by Councillor Nelson and all in favour.
10. To consider and Resolve actions to safeguard Metheringham Windmill as a community Asset
To resolve the next steps to ensure windmill is preserved as a village asset for the village
Councillor Parker reported that the council is still awaiting an email from the owner or their solicitor regarding the situation.
The Section 109 will be emailed to all councilors before the next meeting.
Councillor Parry questioned the same agenda point as the last meeting and should this not be an update, as you can’t have the same resolution within 6 months. All were in agreement on the 6 month rule. However there followed a debate on what had been resolved at the previous council meeting.
Councillor Parker to check with LALC on how wording should be before the next meeting.
Councillor Parry proosed to disregard point and to go on to next agenda. Seconded by Councillor Nelson and all in favour.
11. To discuss and resolve swimming pool MOU review and any follow up actions required to allow panel to finalize requirements.
a. Land fenced off
There has been no evidence yet provided to show the pool as the owner of the land.
The current land owner (Lincs County Council) has not had any correspondence on the matter since 2012.
The Council are not against the land being acquired by the pool, but require that due process is followed and evidenced. MPC will assist the pool in obtaining this land.
Councillor Worthington proposed that the Council panel for the pool to write to the pool asking for details. Seconded by Councillor Tatton and all in favour.
b. Shed asbestos Material
Apparently a roof on some old garage may or may not contain asbestos. The council are
liable for the cost. Councillor Worthington proposed to fund a survey on the type of
roofing, seconded by Councillor Tatton and all in favour.
c. Outstanding issues from initial review
There are still outstanding issues over the wording of the review. A further meeting is
required to resolve these issues.
d. Boiler additions to be installed. (insurance)
The pool are planning to install a thermal buffer system to the pool boiler. The system is to be “donated” by some of the pool team. Councillor Worthington was concerned that the boiler may not be suitable for such an alteration and concerned about who would be installing it. Councillor Nelson asked that details be submitted to the boiler insurance company as well.
Councillor Parker informed the council that this is an infrastructure change and the pool need to inform the council of this by official channels. Councillor Worthington proposed to include this in the letter to the pool regarding the land and this is to happen before resuming the MOU discussions. Seconded by Councillor Tatton and all in favour.
e. Responsible body in the event of any accidents
Councillor parker informed the council that any incidents or accidents are not the responsibility of the pool or Trustees but the Council. The pool team should be reminded of this.
12. To Receive update on Old cross refurbishment
Councillor Parker gave an update on the old cross. Work will be starting very shortly and is expected to be completed before the Fayre and Feast.
13. To Consider and resolve actions on complaint regarding street Lighting.
To Discuss a complaint regarding new street Light.
Following a recent complaint a new lamp had been fitted by Eon in Flintham Close. This
complaint is regarding the same lamp but it now being on only some of the night. This is in line with LCC policy which MPC have adopted. Councillor Parry offered to draft a letter on behalf of the council as a response to the complainant.
14. To Consider and resolve actions on Complaint regarding Station Road Grass
To Discuss complaint received regarding station Road / Manor Close Grass and Trees
Councillor Parker had been to investigate the issues. Councillor Kendrick had informed the
council that the grass belonged to LCC but it was MPC who were paid to cut it just twice a year on behalf of LCC. That is all except a mowers width running alongside the pavement. As the council are in the process of purchasing a mower and the fact that the council have recently employed a handy person, then as the priority list is dealt with, the grass will be cut more often. The letter was proposed by Councillor Westerman and seconded by Councillor Worthington. All were in favour.
15. To Consider and resolve to grant permission for Stalls to be used at Xmas Market
To discuss hire of market stalls for Xmas Market
As previous – the stalls will be hired – at zero cost to the hiree. There must be a clause requiring the trailers to be reloaded correctly.
Councillor Tatton proposed, seconded by Councillor Peek and all in favour.
16. To Consider and resolve to purchase replacement Flags as required for display in Memorial gardens at appropriate times
Councillor Tatton proposed, seconded by Councillor Worthington and all in favour.
17. To Consider and resolve to purchase Xmas tree for 2023
Traditionally purchased from Ewerby estate. Proposed by Councillor Tatton, seconded by
Councillor Simpson and all in favour.
18. To Consider and resolve to allow football club to use Pavilion ground to store equipment.
Give the recent e mail from the school concerned over the safety of the children using the Pavilion area, Councillor Worthington proposed to decline the request. Seconded by Councillor Nelson and all in favour.
19. To Consider and resolve:-
a. Road Closure for Remembrance Day
Proposed by Councillor Westerman and seconded by Councillor Tatton and all in favour.
b. bugler,
Councillor parry agreed to contact the person for support.
c. Purchase wreaths and Posy’s,
Councillor Tatton proposed and seconded by Councillor Nelson and all in favour.
21. Policies: To review and approve the following policies.
a. Email Policy
Councillor Tatton proposed and seconded by Councillor Westerman and all in favour.
Councillor Nelson proposed, seconded by Councillor Peek and all in favour.
c. Sickness-absence-policy (LALC Model as example)
Councillor Parker said that he could not find anything specific to MPC and so had
provided the LALC example. It was proposed by Councillor Parker for Councillor Nelson to redraft for the next meeting, seconded by Councillor Westerman and all in favour.
22. To receive update on the litter picking group
To receive update on equipment and commencement date
The Council were informed that if the black bags of rubbish are left at agreed points in the village then NKDC will take them away for free. With the absence of Councillor Pembery no further information was available so Councillor Worthington proposed to defer until next meeting, seconded by Councillor Tatton and all in favour.
23. To receive updates, and resolve actions where necessary, on the following matters:
a. MUGA preplanning application
Councillor Parry had spoken to NKDC and no application had been received. This means a further application will need to be made by MPC.
b. Playground equipment following a recent inspection and repair
Still awaiting a response from the company following a recent inspection.
c. Trailers
The second trailer is now back from repairs.
d. Beer Fest
Councillor Nelson attended on behalf of the council and reported back that the event was well organised and he was pleased with the way it had been conducted.
At 2029hrs Councillor Parker proposed to extend the meeting to allow for the completion of
the agenda. Seconded by Councillor Peek and all in favour.
24. Public bodies (admissions to meetings act 1960 exclusion of the press and the public: to
resolve that in accordance with Section 1(2) of the public bodies (admissions to meetings) act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business the press and public be excluded.
Proposed by Councillor Worthington and seconded by Councillor Simpson. All in favour.
25. To receive an update from the Interview Panel following interviews conducted for the Clerk’s position.
Councillor Parry gave an update on the position following the recent interviews. Two candidates had been interviewed but since then Candidate number two had withdrawn.
26. To resolve to accept the Interview Panel’s recommendations for the appointment of a new Clerk.
Councillor Parry presented the findings of the interview panel and the recommendation. The candidate has enquired over the salary and number of days holiday.
A discussion followed on the levels of renumeration and holiday entitlement.
At 2057hrs Councillor Tatton apologised and left the meeting.
Following this discussion Councillor Nelson proposed to accept the recommendation with the provision of completing the Silca qualification within 2 years and the higher salary band and holiday entitlement. Seconded by Councillor Simpson and all in favour.
27. To resolve to accept to issue the Handyperson’s contract drawn up by the Staffing Committee
Councillor Parry presented the contract draft. Councillor Nelson pointed out an error on the dates.
Councillor Westerman proposed to accept with the changes noted and seconded by Councillor Nelson. All in favour
28. Date of Next Meeting 25th October 2023
Meeting closed 2140hrs.