April 2020 Agenda (21st)
You are summoned to a Conference Call of Metheringham Parish Council which will be held on Tuesday 21 st April 2020 at 19:30.
AGENDA 13/2020
21 st APRIL 2020
1. Great British Spring Clean: To resolve the planned event be postponed, to reschedule to take place between 1 I th and 27th September 2020.
2. Public Car Park, Middle Street: To consider and resolve to carry out the necessary works to the car park to the rear of the Village Hall.
3. Office Door: To consider the quotation received for the replacement door to the new office and resolve for the works to be carried out.
4. Grass Cutting: To consider the quotation received for cuts to the Playing Field and Star & Garter Field during staff absence and resolve to proceed with the cuts.
5. Office Move: To receive an update on both 15a High Street and the new Office.
6. Complaint: To receive an update on the complaint received.
7. Planning Applications:
i) 20/0398/HOUS 14 Flintham Close, Metheringham. Erection of single storey side extension.
i) 20/0092/HOUS 24 Middle Street, Metheringham. Partial demolition of an outbuilding and erection of a granny annexe. Permission granted.