January 2020 Minutes

Minutes 09/2019 of Metheringham, Sots Hole and Tanvats Parish Council
Meeting held on Tuesday 28th January 2020 at 19.15 in the Village Hall, Metheringham
A meeting of Metheringham, Sots Hole and Tanvats Parish Council was held on Tuesday 28th January 2020 in the Village Hall, Middle Street, Metheringham and commenced at 19:15.
Councillor N Byatt (Acting Chairman)
Councillor R Grummitt
CouncillorJ Parr
Councillor D Parry
Councillor S Peek
Councillor S Walker
Councillor S Wilson (Chairman)
Councillor J Gwillym (Vice Chairman)
Councillor I Holmes
Councillor J Kendrick
Councillor D Temple
Karen Steels-Tallett
There were 2 members of the public present, who queried what was being done about the flooding in the Linden Belt that was affecting their gardens. The content of the update from Cllr Holmes was shared with them.
The Clerk opened the meeting and asked for nominations for a Councillor to preside over the meeting due to absence of both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman. Cllr Parry proposed Cllr Byatt, seconded by Cllr Peek and all were in favour.
1 . Chairman's Remarks:
The Acting Chairman Councillor Byatt wished Cllr Gwillym a speedy recovery, and made the usual housekeeping announcements. There is an informal gathering on Friday 31 st January in the Community Library building to remember Ken Cotton deceased. The Chairman reminded members that they must abide by the Code of Conduct at all times
2. To resolve to accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1):
Apologies were received from Councillors Gwillym, Holmes, Kendrick & Wilson.
3. Members Declarations of Interests
a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct. Declarations of Interest were received as follows: Councillor Parr declared an interest in agenda item 18 as a committee member of Metheringham Squash Club, Councillor Parry declared an interest in agenda item 20 as a resident of Shiregate and Councillor Byatt declared an interest in agenda item 22 as a Member of NKDC Planning Committee.
b. Dispensations: To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.
There were no requests for Dispensations.
4. To approve the notes of the Parish Council Meetings held on Tuesday 26th November 2019 and 6th December 2019.
The notes having been circulated before the meeting were taken as read and it was RESOLVED to approve them as minutes of the meeting.
Minutes of the meeting 26th November 2019 proposed by Councillor Byatt, seconded by Councillor Parry, all were in favour. Minutes of the meeting 6th December 2019 proposed by Councillor Byatt, seconded by Councillor Grummitt and all were in favour. Councillors Parr, Parry & Peek abstained from voting.
5. Reports from representatives on outside bodies:
a. To receive a report from the County Councillor R Kendrick. The monthly county update circulated with the agenda was received — see appendix 1.
b. To receive a report from District Councillor N Byatt
The NKDC Champions nominations are now open, a decision will be made on the Budget and released shortly. The Ward Boundaries are under review with a view to balancing the electorate per Councillor, NKDC currently have 43 Councillors.
c. Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Policing Team:
A report had been received from PCSO Flannigan and circulated. The name of the new Beat Manager is hopefully to be released this week.
d. Village Hall Committee:
A report received from Councillor Kendrick had been circulated and was discussed under agenda item 27.
e. Swimming Pool:
A report received from Councillor Holmes had been circulated.
f. Library:
Councillor Peek reported that the Christmas raffle had been a success with over E200 being raised. There are also new volunteers on board.
g. Bowls Club:
Councillor Walker reported that they received a donation of kitchen units which they are busy fitting and spring cleaning. The shed is leaking and may need to be replaced. An article is being placed in Limespring Hundred advertising taster sessions to encourage more members.
6. To receive verbal or written update reports from Working Groups:
i) Events: The notes of the meeting held 21 st January had been circulated and received.
Project Planning: There was no further report available. iii) Communications: There was no further report available. iv) Environmental Development: The notes of the meeting held 14th January had been circulated and received.
7. Amenities Working Group: To consider establishing an Amenities Working Group to aid the Council. Agreed the Clerk look at the Working Groups overall and put forward a proposal to Council.
8. Clerks Report: The Clerk's report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Agreed to accept the report.
9. Financial Matters:
a. Urban Grass Cutting: — To consider and resolve to add additional areas of highway verge previously cut by NKDC to the LCC Parish Agreement Scheme for 2020/21 financial period. It was resolved to add the additional area to the Scheme. Proposed by Councillor Parry, seconded by Councillor Walker and all were in favour.
b. LALC Training Scheme: To consider and resolve to continue with the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils Annual Training Scheme for the period April 2020 to March 2021. It was resolved to continue with the Scheme at a cost of E 140. Proposed by Cllr Byatt, seconded by Cllr Peek and all were in favour.
c. Play Equipment Inspections: To consider the quotation received to continue with the inspections on play equipment. It was resolved to continue with the Annual Inspection and Life Expectancy plus a midterm Operational Inspection. Proposed by Cllr Peek, seconded by Cllr Parry and all were in favour.
d. Environmental Officer: To consider the employment of an Environmental Officer. It was resolved to defer the item back to the Working Group to obtain further justification and a benefit analysis as to the need to employ an Officer. Proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Grummitt and all were in favour.
e. Shared Data Platform: To consider the quotations received for a shared data platform. It was resolved to defer the item to be referred back to the Cornmunications Working Group. Proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Councillor Grummitt and all were in favour.
f. Former NHS Building: To consider the quotations received for the works necessary to move the office to the former NHS Building.
i) To consider the quotations received for the works to the building. It was resolved to accept the quotation received from SDS Heritage subject to removing some light fittings; minus lifting of floor vinyl and not laying carpet in one room. Proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Grummitt and all were in favour.
To consider the quotations received for the maintenance of the security and fire alarm systems. It was resolved to get further quotations from Al Security and Freedom to be consider at the February meeting. Proposed by Cllr Byatt, seconded by Cllr Parr and all were in favour.
iii) To consider the quotations received for meeting tables. It was resolved to accept the quotations from Cathedral Stationery. Proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Parr and all were in favour.
g. Accounts for Payment: To consider and approve the accounts for payment. The Clerk had circulated the accounts for payment for November and December 2019. It was resolved to approve the accounts, proposed by Cllr Byatt, seconded by Cllr Walker and all were in favour.
10. To receive the minutes of the Finance Committee and consider recommendations:
i) Budget 2020/2021: To consider and resolve to approve the budget for 2020/2021 as circulated. Cllr Parry thanked the Clerk/RFO for her worked in preparing the budget. It was resolved to approve the budget, proposed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Grummitt and all were in favour. Precept 2020/2021: To consider and resolve the Precept requirement upon the Billing Authority (being NKDC) of E 140,621 (one hundred and forty thousand, six hundred and twenty one pounds) be approved. It was resolved to approve the Precept, proposed by Cllr Grummitt, seconded by Cllr Parr and all were in favour.
11. Library Roof Repairs: To consider the invoice received in respect of repairs to the Library Roof be submitted to Lincolnshire County Council in respect of the Capital Grant. It was resolved to submit the quotation received from Keyworth Roofing, proposed by Cllr Byatt, seconded by Cllr Grummitt and all were in favour.
12. Grant Awarding Policy: To consider and resolve to approve the draft policy. It was resolved to approve the draft policy, proposed by Cllr Byatt, seconded by Cllr Parry and all were in favour.
13. Payroll services: To consider bringing the payroll services back in-house with effect from April 2020. It was resolved to bring payroll services back in-house with effect April 2020, proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Parr and all were in favour.
14. Parish Council Meeting Dates 2020/2021: To agree the schedule of meetings for the period May 2020 to April 2021 as circulated. It was resolved to agree the schedule subject to the addition of a date in December 2020, proposed by Cllr Byatt, seconded by Cllr Peek and all were in favour.
15.AnnuaI Village Meeting: To consider and resolve the format for the 2020 Annual village Meeting. It was resolved to follow the same format as in previous years, proposed by Cllr Byatt, seconded by Cllr Grummitt and all were in favour.
16. CCTV Equipment: To consider the recommendation from the Community & Environmental Working Group to relocate the Control Unit to the new Parish Office. It was resolved to obtain quotations for the re-siting of the equipment, proposed by Cllr Byatt, seconded by Cllr Parry and all were in favour
17.15a High Street: To receive the Deed of Surrender for the premises 15a High Street, Metheringham and resolve to sign the document. It was resolved to accept and sign the Deed, proposed by Cllr Parr, seconded by Cllr Peek and all were in favour
18. Metheringham Squash Club Event: To consider the request to hire the Star & Garter Field for the purpose of a Beer Festival and agree a charge. It was resolved to agree the hire of the field, and to be deferred to the Finance Committee to formulate a fee structure for hire of the Field and Pavilion. Proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Walker and all were in favour.
19. Community Right to Bids: To consider and resolve to register an interest in the Old Mill, Prince's Street, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 Part 5 Chapter 3 — Assets of Community Value. It was resolved to register an interest in the building, proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Walker and all were in favour.
20. Linden Tree Belt: To consider to address the issues arising from the tree belt and flooding issues. A report had been received from Cllr Holmes, agreed to refer back to the Community & Environmental Development Working Group to formulate a works programme and action plan to prevent the flooding on Shiregate.
21. Correspondence: To note the correspondence circulated to Members.
22. Planning: Planning applications received from NKDC. Councillor N Byatt declared an interest as District Councillor and withdrew from any debate. Planning applications received from NKDC:
i) 20/0022/HOUS — 53 Paddock Lane, Metheringham. Erection of metal storage shed. The Parish Council objected on the grounds of visual amenity.
20/0033/VARCON - Stone Lodge, Fen Lane,
Metheringham. Application to vary condition 3 in respect of alterations to internal layout at first floor, resulting in fewer skylights. Demolition of part of the existing rear extension.
Planning application decision notices from NKDC:
i) 19/1206/FUL — The Kitchen, Sleaford Road, Nocton Heath. Change of use of a former café building to 2 single storey dwellings.
19/1458/HOUS - 1-2 Brickyard Cottages, Feb Lane, Metheringham, Erection of single storey rear extension and revised site boundary.
19/1666/HOUS — 8 Tennyson Close, Metheringham. Erection of porch.
19/1547/FUL — 26 Fen Road, Metheringham. Conversion and extension of former fire station to residential dwelling and erection of a further dwelling.
23. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Exclusion of the Press and the Public: To resolve that in accordance with Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business, the Press and the Public be excluded from the Meeting. It was agreed to move into closed session.
24. Staffing Matters: To receive an update on staffing matters. The Chairman of the Staffing Committee updated members on the current position.
25. Staffing: To consider and resolve the Staffing Committee permit to grant time. It was resolved to allocate up to 2 days grant time per annum, proposed by Cllr Byatt, seconded by Cllr Peek, the majority were in favour. Cllr Parry voted against.
26. Death of a Senior National Figure: To consider and resolve the protocol in the event of a senior national figure. It was resolved that the Clerk prepare a draft document for the February meeting. Proposed by Cllr Byatt, seconded by Cllr Peek and all were in favour.
27. Village Hall Report: To receive a report from the Village Hall Management Committee Representative. The report was received from Cllr Kendrick and noted.
28. Co-option: To consider an Application for Co-option received from a Parishioner. The parishioner had re-considered and no longer wished to be considered.
29. Date, time and venue of next meeting: Tuesday 25th February 2020 at 19:15 in the Village Hall.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 22:32