April 2020 Minutes (21st)

Minutes 02/2020 of Metheringham, Sots Hole & Tanvats Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 21st April 2020 via a Conference Call.

A Meeting of Metheringham, Sots Hole and Tanvats Parish Council was held on Tuesday 21st April 2020 via a Conference Call due to COVID 19 and not being able to meet in line with Government guidance on group gatherings and social distancing.


Councillor S Wilson (Chairman)
Councillor N Byatt
Councillor R Grummitt
Councillor I Holmes
Councillor D Parry Councillor D Temple
Councillor S Walker


Councillor J Parr
Councillor S Peek

Karen Steels-Tallett

The purpose of the Call was to decide:

1. Great British Spring Clean: To resolve the planned event be postponed, to reschedule to take place between 11th and 27th September 2020. It was resolved to postpone the event until September 2020 and review at the July meeting to agree a date.

2. Public Car Park, Middle Street: To consider and resolve to carry out the necessary works to the car park to the rear of the Village Hall. It was resolved that Councillor Grummitt visit the site to assess the damage to the drains and report back to Council as to whether it was necessary to replace the rain water channels or if in fact they could be filled in. Proposed by Councillor Temple, seconded by Councillor Byatt and all were in favour.

3. Office Door: To consider the quotation received for the replacement door to the new office and resolve for the works to be carried out. It was resolved to proceed with the quotation received for the replacement door to the office. Proposed by Councillor Grummitt, seconded by Councillor Parry and all were in favour.

4. Grass Cutting: To consider the quotation received for cuts to the Playing Field and Star & Garter Field during staff absence and resolve to proceed with the cuts. It was resolved to proceed with the quotation received to cut the Playing Field, Prince's Street and the Star & Garter Field. Proposed by Councillor Temple, seconded by Councillor Grummitt and all were in favour.

5. Office Move: To receive an update on both 15a High Street and the new Office. A further extension had been granted by NKDC until restrictions are lifted due to COVID 19, to be reviewed in 3 weeks.

6. Complaint: To receive an update on the complaint received. The complainant had indicated that they were to contact the monitoring office, the Clerk had not heard anything further.

7. Planning Applications:

i) 20/0398/HOUS

14 Flintham Close, Metheringham. Erection of single storey side extension. Councillor Byatt declared an interest as a member of NKDC Planning Committee and abstained from voting. It was resolved that the Council had no objections to the application.

Decisions i) 20/0092/HOUS

24 Middle Street, Metheringham. Partial demolition of an outbuilding and erection of a granny annexe. Permission granted.

The call ended 20:05.