August 2020 Minutes

Minutes 11/2020 of Metheringham, Sots Hole & Tanvats Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 25th August 2020 via a Conference Call.
A Meeting of Metheringham, Sots Hole and Tanvats Parish Council was held on Tuesday 25th August 2020 via a Conference Call due to COVID 19 and not being able to meet in line with Government guidance on group gatherings and social distancing.
Councillor S Wilson (Chairman)
Councillor N Byatt
Councillor R Grummitt
Councillor I Holmes
CouncillorJ Parr Councillor D Parry
Councillor S Peek
Councillor K Rymer
Councillor S Walker
Councillor D Temple
Karen Steels-Tallett
2 members of the public had contacted the Clerk to request connectivity.
1. Chairman's Remarks. The Chairman, Councillor Sally Wilson opened the meeting and welcomed the member of the public and made the usual housekeeping announcements. The Chairman reminded members that they must abide by the Code of Conduct at all times.
2. To accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1). Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Temple. Apologies were also received from District Councillor Pearson.
3. Members Declarations of Interests:
a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct. Councillor Byatt declared an interest in agenda item 14 as a member of NKDC Planning Committee.
b. Dispensations: To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct. There were no requests for dispensations.
4. To approve the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 28th July 2020 and the Extra Ordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 12th August 2020. (circulated with agenda). The notes of the meeting 28th July 2020 having been circulated prior to the meeting were taken as read and it was resolved to approve them as minutes of the meetings. Proposed by Councillor Peek, seconded by Councillor Holmes and all were in favour. The notes of the meeting 12th August 2020 2020 having been circulated prior to the meeting were taken as read and it was resolved to approve them as minutes of the meetings. Proposed by Councillor Parry, seconded by Councillor Holmes and the majority were in favour.
5. Reports from representatives on outside bodies:
a. To receive a report from the County Councillor. A report from Cllr R Kendrick had been received prior to the meeting. Speeding is currently an issue, Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership have recently carried out speed surveys and the perception is greater than reality. The Parking Enforcement Officer visited the village twice and will continue to do so on a rotational basis.
b. To receive a report from the District Councillor. Councillor Byatt had nothing to report but will issue a circular on his return.
c. To receive the July Newsletter from the Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Policing Team. A report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
d. To receive reports from Council representatives on other outside bodies.
Village Hall Management Committee. A meeting is due to take place during September.
ii. Metheringham Swimming Pool. The Pool opened 28th July and is being run by 4 volunteers and 2 lifeguards. No funding has been received for the heating of the pool. The grant awarded by the Parish Council May 2020 is ring fenced as Third Party Funding for the Wren grant application. 124 swims have been recorded and 67 recorded bookings. It is projected that the pool will end the season with E500El,000 in the bank. Swims have been 50/50 with local residents and people travelling from Horncastle, Bourne and Mablethorpe. Additional income will be generated by a Mini Marine at the end of the season and Doggie swims. The Pool currently have 3 ongoing grant applications. The committee are continuing to engage with residents and revamping the time table for the 2021/2022 season. The committee also hope to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Swimming Pool and Parish Council available for the September meeting for consideration and adoption.
iii. Library. The Library is scheduled to reopen 15th September, training on new equipment has commenced.
Bowls Club. Friendly matches are taking play with 10-12 players but no league matches will take place this season,
6. To receive verbal or written update reports from Working Groups:
Events — no further meeting had taken place. There is a Coffee Morning in the Parish Office Friday 4th September 10.00am-12.00noon in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. The Christmas Market and Tree Lighting Ceremony has been cancelled for 2020. ii. Project Planning — no further meeting had taken place. iii. Communications — no further meeting had taken place.
iv. Community & Environmental Development no further meeting had taken place.
War Memorial Garden Task & Finish Group — the notes of the meeting 7th August were received.
7. Clerks report (circulated separately). The clerk's report was received.
8. Financial Matters:
a) CCTV: To consider the quotations received to relocate the CCTV system to the Parish Office and resolve to move the equipment. (attached). It was resolved to proceed with the quotation received from Freedom. Proposed by Councillor Byatt, seconded by Councillor Holmes and the majority were in favour. Councillor Parry abstained from voting.
a) MACLA Bank Account: To consider and agree the remaining MACLA funds be donated to Macmillan Cancer Support and the account be used for Library funding to keep it separate for accounting purposes. (attached). It was resolved to ring fence the remaining MACLA Funds for works to the War Memorial Garden. Proposed by Councillor Byatt, seconded by Councillor Parry and all were in favour.
b) Grass Cutting: To consider and agree quotation received for cuts to the Playing Field and Star & Garter Field whilst the JD Mower is out of service. (attached). It was resolved to proceed with the quotation from Glendale. Proposed by Councillor Byatt, seconded by Councillor Walker and all were in favour.
c) Street Lighting: To consider and agree the replacement of 10 columns in need of urgent repair as agreed at the meeting June 2019 as an annual programme. (attached). It was resolved to proceed with the replacement of the 10 columns. Proposed by Councillor Parry, seconded by Councillor Walker and all were in favour.
d) Accounts for Payment: To consider and approve the accounts for payment (circulated seperately). It was resolved to approve the accounts for payment. Proposed by Councillor Holmes, seconded by Councillor Walker and all were in favour.
9. To receive a report from the Finance Committee:
i. to receive a report on the projections to the year end. Projections to the year end were received.
ii. to receive the recommendation from the Finance Committee regarding payment of future insurance premiums for both the Village Hall and Swimming Pool. The Finance Committee recommend continuing to supporting the insurance contributions, to be reviewed annually.
iii. to receive a recommendation from the Finance Committee on a monthly charge to the Library to cover utility bills. The Finance Committee recommended a monthly charge to the Library to cover utility bills.
iv. to consider a recommendation by the Finance Committee for the Clerk to obtain quotations to upgrade the Library heating to air conditioning units. The Finance Committee recommended replacing the existing storage heaters with air conditioning units which could be relocated in the future.
It was resolved to proceed in line with the4 Finance Committee recommendations.
Proposed by Councillor Byatt, seconded by Councillor Rymer and all were in favour.
10. Noticeboard: To consider the purchase of a further noticeboard to be located on Shiregate. It was resolved to proceed with an additional noticeboard to be located on the fenceline of the playpark on Shiregate. Proposed by Councillor Rymer, seconded by Councillor Walker and all were in favour.
11. Litter Picking Grant: To agree the annual report for the grant application. (attached). It was resolved to proceed with the annual report for the grant application. Proposed by Councillor Parry, seconded by Councillor Walker and all were in favour.
12. Proposed Extension to the Car Park, Prince's Street: To consider and agree the specification/scope of works to be included in the Tender Papers to be completed by the architect. (attached). It was resolved i) to remove the lockable gates from the specification, ii) the height limiter barrier is removable and not fixed and iii) the additional bicycle rack is removed. Proposed by Councillor Parry, seconded by Councillor Byatt and the majority were in favour.
13. Speed Indicator Device: To agree a programme to get the devices in situ. Councillor Parry is to meet with the handyman Thursday 27th August to install the devices.
14. Planning:
Planning Application:
i. 20/0029/FUL— Land East of Sleaford Road (B1188) and West of Dunston Road, Metheringham. Amended plans for erection of 363 dwellings, formulation of new access points from Sleaford Road and Dunston Road, provision of new internal access roads and provision of new sustainable drainage infrastructure. It was resolved to object to the revised plans on the grounds of infrastructure and massing of houses. Proposed by Councillor Parry, seconded by Councillor Wilson and all were in favour.
i) 20/0697/FUL— Beehive Stores, High Street, Metheringham. Change of use from Al (retail) to DI (Children's Daycare). Application approved.
20/0662/HOUS — The Manse, 11 High Street, Metheringham. Single storey rear extension to replace existing extension and recladding of outbuildings. Application approved.
iii) 20/0768/FUL— 15a High Street, Metheringham. Change of use from office to combines Al retail and A3 café. Application approved.
iv) 20/0803/HOUS —The Lilacs, 7 Fen Road, Metheringham. Erection of a single storey rear extension. Application approved.
Planning Appeal:
i) 19/1206/FUL— The Kitchen, Sleaford Road, Nocton Heath. Change of use from former café building (Class A3 Food and Drink) to two single storey dwellings (C3 Dwelling Houses). Appeal dismissed.
19/1140/VARCON — Site at Land Heath Farm, Heath Lane, Metheringham. Application to vary condition 11 (Storage Clamps) to allow for storage to a height of 9m attached to application
17/0434/VARCON (application to vary condition 17 (Storage Clamps) to allow for storage above 4m of 17/0364/VARCON). Appeal dismissed.
Councillor Byatt abstained from voting on all planning applications as a member of NKDC Planning Committee.
Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Exclusion of the Press and the Public: To resolve that in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business, the press and public be excluded. It was resolved to move into closed session. Proposed by Councillor Walker, seconded by Councillor Byatt and all were in favour.
15. Co-option: To consider applications for co-option received from two Parishioners. Having received the completed questionnaires from 2 parishioners, it was resolved to co-opt D Sherriff and C Redpath as Councillors. Proposed by Councillor Rymer, seconded by Councillor Peek and all were in favour.
16. Date and time of the next meeting. Tuesday 29th September 2020
There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:35