July 2022 Minutes
Parish Council Meeting of Metheringham, Sots Hole & Tanvats Parish Council was held on Tuesday 26th July 2022 in the Parish Office, High Street, Metheringham.
Councillor K Parker
Councillor I Holmes
Councillor R Grummitt
Councillor D Holmes
Councillor B Nelson
Councillor D Parry
Councillor S Peek
Councillor K Rymer
Councillor J Tatton
Councillor C Toynton
Apologies: Councillor F Pembery
Councillor M Westerman
Councillor M Worthington
Clerk: Karen Steels-Tallett
3 members of the public were in attendance.
1. Chair’s Remarks. The Chair opened the meeting; made the usual housekeeping announcements, and reminded members that they must abide by the Code of Conduct at all times.
2. To accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1). Apologies had been received from Councillors Pembery, Westerman and Worthington. It was resolved to accept the apologies. Proposed by Councillor Peek seconded by Councillor Toynton and all were in favour. Apologies had also been received from District Councillor Bailey.
3. Members Declarations of Interests:
a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct. Councillor Rymer declared a declaration of interest in agenda item 9 as a Trustee of Metheringham Swimming Pool.
b. Dispensations: To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct. There were no requests for dispensations.
4. To approve the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 28th June 2022. The notes of the meeting Tuesday 28th June 2022 having been circulated prior to the meeting were taken as read and it was resolved to approve them as minutes of the meeting. Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor D Holmes and all were in favour.
5. Reports from representatives on outside bodies:
a. To receive a report from the County Councillor. A report had been received from Councillor Kendrick prior to the meeting and circulated. The “Keep Clear” road marking at the entrance to the Railway Station on Station road is to be reinstated. The layby on Caroline Road in front of the shops is to be resurfaced.
b. To receive reports from the District Councillors. A report had been received from Councillor Bailey prior to the meeting and circulated.
c. To receive the monthly Newsletter from the Bracebridge Heath Policing Team. No report had been received from the Policing Team.
d. To receive reports from Council representatives on other outside bodies.
i. Village Hall Management Committee – no further meeting had been held, the next meeting is scheduled for 27th July 2022.
ii. Metheringham Swimming Pool. A report had been received from Councillor Rymer and circulated.
iii. Metheringham Community Hub. No report was available
iv. Bowls Club. Councillor Grummitt thanked the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Committee for funds received raised by the raffle. The funds will be used to provide a step from the emergency exit and replace the existing plastic outdoor furniture.
v. Metheringham Football Club. Councillor Parker reported the Club are concerned about the overgrown grass between the Star & Garter Field and Skate Park area which is dry due to the hot weather and a fire hazard. Councillor Tatton happy to attend to the area.
6. To receive the minutes of Committee meetings:
a) General Purposes & Finance Committee - meeting 20th July 2022
b) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Committee - meeting 11th July 2022
c) Communications and Staffing Committee – meeting scheduled for 02nd August 2022
d) Environmental & Community Committee – meeting scheduled for 09th August 2022
The minutes of the meetings were received.
7. Clerks report. The Clerk’s report was received.
8. Financial Matters:
a) Accounts for payment: To consider and approve the accounts for payment. It was resolved to approve the accounts for payment. Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor D Holmes and all were in favour.
9. Metheringham Swimming Pool: To consider and resolve a request from the Trustees of Metheringham Swimming Pool; to defer the commencement of Loan repayments until the end of the season and agree a revised schedule. It was resolved that the commencement of the Loan repayments be deferred for a period of one month, with the first payment falling due October 2022. Proposed by Councillor Parker seconded by Councillor I Holmes and the majority were in favour. Councillor Rymer abstained from voting.
10. Ifor Williams Trailers: To consider and resolve the service of the two trailers used to store the market stalls. It was resolved to proceed with the service of the two trailers and seek advice from Scott Trailers as to the weight limit. Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Grummitt and all were in favour.
11. Cavalry Court Play Park: To consider and resolve a request for the play area to be locked during the evening. It was resolved the play area be left unlocked, to be deferred to the Environment & Community Committee for further investigation. Proposed by Councillor Toynton seconded by Councillor Tatton and all were in favour.
12. Metheringham Village Hall: To consider and resolve:
a. to appoint a Task & Finish Group to work with appointed members of the Village Hall Committee to review the Constitution. It was resolved Councillor membership of the Task & Finish group be; Nelson, Parker, Parry and Toynton. Proposed by Councillor Parry seconded by Councillor Grummitt and the majority were in favour. Councillor I Holmes was against.
b. to refer to General Purposes & Finance Committee to draft a Terms of Reference for the Group. It was resolved the agenda item be deferred until a response had been received from the Village Hall Committee. Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor Rymer and all were in favour.
13. Street Naming: To receive suggestions for a road name of the former Highways Depot and resolve the suggested names to be put forward to NKDC Street Naming and the reasons behind the suggestions. It was resolved to forward suggestions to NKDC as follows; Jubilee Close, Lancaster Approach, Millers View, Old Quarry Close and Windmill Close. Proposed by Councillor Peek seconded by Councillor Tatton and all were in favour.
14. Lincolnshire Strong Voices Project: To consider and resolve Council hold Strong Voices sessions to recruit young people from the community to take part in the project being run across Lincolnshire by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. It was resolved to defer the agenda item and obtain further information from the host. Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor Rymer and all were in favour.
15. Anti-Social Behaviour:
a. to discuss the meeting with Aurora regarding anti-social behaviour patrols. The scheduled meeting had been rearranged for 27th July 2022.
b. to consider and resolve if to continue with Patrols and the frequency. It was resolved to suspend the patrols at the end of the initial 3-month period pending the outcome of the meeting 27th July 2022 and recommendations. Proposed by Councillor Parry seconded by Councillor Toynton and all were in favour.
16. Charity Fundraising Event 06th & 07th August 2022: To consider and resolve:
a. to receive the Event Safety Plan together with Risk Assessments, Insurance Documentation. It was resolved to accept the Event Safety Plan presented, Councillor Parker confirmed the event safety plans had been signed off by both NKDC and Lincolnshire Police. Proposed by Councillor Parry seconded by Councillor Tatton and the majority were in favour. Councillor I Holmes had requested a recorded vote. Councillors in favour: Grummitt, Nelson, Parker, Parry, Peek, Tatton and Toynton. Councillors against: I Holmes and Rymer. Councillor D Holmes abstained from voting.
20:20 Councillor Peek proposed in line with Standing Order 3 x, that the meeting be extended beyond the 2 hours to complete the agenda items. Seconded by Councillor Tatton and all were in favour.
b. in line with minute 22/06/02 agenda item 3, that the documentation received satisfies the Council’s requirements and that the event can go ahead. It was resolved the event could go ahead. Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Parry and the majority were in favour. Councillor Parry had requested a recorded vote. Councillors in favour: Grummitt, Nelson, Parker, Parry, Peek, Tatton and Toynton. Councillors against: I Holmes and Rymer. Councillor D Holmes abstained from voting.
c. the hire of the Pavilion for the Event and charges. It was resolved to allow the hire of the Pavilion for the event at a charge of £50. Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Grummitt and all were in favour.
d. the hire/closure of the Car Park, Prince’s Street for the Event and charges for the purpose of a motor bike stunt demonstration. It was resolved to hire/close the Car Park, Prince’s Street for the event Saturday 06th August 2022. Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Parry and all were in favour.
e. the hire of radio’s and hi-vis for the event. It was resolved to hire the radios for the event free of charge, Councillor Tatton confirmed he was prepared to take responsibility for any damages. Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Parry and the majority were in favour. Councillor I Holmes abstained from voting.
f. to allow the use of the Star & Garter Field for the purpose of parking. It was resolved to allow the use of the Star & Garter Field for parking. Proposed by Councillor D Holmes seconded by Councillor Tatton and all were in favour.
17. Planning Applications:
i) 22/0875/HOUS 1 Fen Road, Metheringham. Erection of a two storey rear and single storey front porch extension. Council had no comments.
i) 22/0482/FUL Moorlands Trading Estate, Moor Lane, Metheringham. Erection of steel portal framed building to form 2 no. business starter units for flexible use with Classes B2, B8 and E(g) along with associated parking. Application approved.
ii) 22/0539/HOUS 1 Fen Road, Metheringham. Installation of a dropped kerb to the front of the property. Application approved.
iii) 22/0561/FUL The Old Kennels, 1 Metheringham Heath Lane, Nocton. Change of use of paddock to a dog exercise area (retrospective). Application approved.
iv) 22/0589/HOUS 40 High Street, Metheringham. Replacement of existing glazed roof with new tiled roof, replacement of existing flat roof to rear elevation and reconstruction of existing rear wall. Application approved.
v) 22/0612/HOUS 19 Bentley Way, Metheringham. Erection of a single storey front extension. Application approved.
vi) 22/0749/HOUS 32 Caroline Road, Metheringham. Erection of a single storey extension. Application approved.
vii) 22/0761/HOUS 30 Alfred Avenue, Metheringham. Single storey side extension and conversion of garage. Application approved.
18. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Exclusion of the Press and the Public: To resolve that in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business, the press and public be excluded. It was resolved to move into closed session. Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor Rymer and all were in favour.
19. Community Hub Co-Ordinator: To discuss and resolve next steps to investigate the resignation from the position of Community Hub Coordinator, to include viewing of documents given to the Chair on the 25th May 2022, and to report back to full council with findings and recommendations.
21:15 Councillor D Holmes left the meeting.
Councillor I Holmes had requested a recorded vote.
Councillor Parry proposed Council do not investigate further seconded by Councillor Tatton and the majority were in favour. Councillors in favour; Grummitt, Nelson, Parry, Peek and Tatton.
Councillor Rymer proposed a survey of members of the Community Hub; with the results to go to Communications and Staffing Committee, seconded by Councillor I Holmes.
Councillors Parker and Toynton abstained from voting.
It was resolved not to proceed with any investigation.
20. Code of Conduct: To receive an update from the Monitoring Officer. The Clerk gave an update from the Monitoring Officer.
21. Date and time of the next meeting. Tuesday 23rd August 2022.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:35.