June 2022 Minutes
Parish Council Meeting of Metheringham, Sots Hole & Tanvats Parish Council was held on Tuesday 28th June 2022 in the Parish Office, High Street, Metheringham.
Councillor K Parker
Councillor I Holmes
Councillor R Grummitt
Councillor D Holmes
Councillor D Parry
Councillor S Peek
Councillor K Rymer
Councillor J Tatton
Councillor C Toynton
Councillor M Westerman
Councillor M Worthington
Apologies: Councillor B Nelson
Councillor F Pembery
Clerk: Karen Steels-Tallett
8 members of the public were in attendance.
Public Forum:
J Gwillym, reference an email sent to the Chair regarding a Village Hall meeting, a distressing evening and can it be resolved.
J Wheater representing the Walkers Group, the Group are grateful for the use of the Pavilion over the past year and has been of benefit. (agenda item 16)
J Pryor, request for a copy of the financial report for 2021/2022. Regarding recording of meetings; is it an agenda item for the meeting? Her belief is it is illegal to record public meetings with members of the public present.
T Sterling, request for the trailers with market stalls to be moved away from the hedgerow.
W Chambers, why was the flag not flown for Armed Forces Day, Cllr Worthington commented; as a past service personnel this was negligible.
1. Chair’s Remarks. The Chair opened the meeting; made the usual housekeeping announcements, and reminded members that they must abide by the Code of Conduct at all times.
2. To accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1). Apologies had been received from Councillors Nelson and Pembery. It was resolved to accept the apologies. Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Toynton and all were in favour. Apologies had also been received from District Councillor Bailey.
3. Members Declarations of Interests:
a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct. There were no declarations of interest.
b. Dispensations: To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct. There were no requests for dispensations.
4. To approve the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 24th May 2022. The notes of the meeting Tuesday 24th May 2022 having been circulated prior to the meeting were taken as read and it was resolved to approve them as minutes of the meeting. Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded Councillor Grummitt and all were in favour.
5. Reports from representatives on outside bodies:
a. To receive a report from the County Councillor. A report had been received and circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr Kendrick reported LCC are promoting tree planting. Lincolnshire Show successful event in partnership with North & North East Lincolnshire, looking ahead to potential deviation affecting council in the future.
b. To receive a report from the District Councillor. A report had been received from Councillors Bailey and Pembery.
c. To receive the monthly Newsletter from the Bracebridge Heath Policing Team. A report had been received and circulated prior to the meeting.
d. To appoint a representative to Metheringham Football Club; of which the member must be independent. It was resolved Councillor Parker continue as the Representative. Proposed by Councillor Parry seconded by Councillor Worthington and all were in favour.
e. To receive reports from Council representatives on other outside bodies.
i. Village Hall Management Committee. Hire fees are to be increased by 25% to ensure sufficient income to cover the liabilities, to be reviewed on an annual basis. A change is needed to the constitution, request for an agenda item for the July 2022 meeting to use the resources of the Clerk and Assistant to move this forward. Councillor Rymer asked if the committee were looking at changing the type of Charity or staying within the existing structure. Councillor D Holmes commented; that using resources of the Clerk, upper and lower limits need to be agreed.
ii. Metheringham Swimming Pool. Significant improvement in the way the works are progressing with the new contractor and within the deadline for the existing funding. The pool should be able to reopen later in the year; estimated to be mid-August.
iii. Metheringham Community Hub Digital Hub to commence 17th August which NKDC will advertise. Healthwise event 5th July 3-5pm.
iv. Bowls Club. The funding group have more dates in the diary, the club had a good Jubilee. There are 14 new members.
v. Metheringham Football Club. The AGM is taking place this evening. The club would like to use the field the weekend of 6th / 7th August for a motorcycle event to raise funding previously planned to be held at Hanworth Park. Councillor I Holmes raised a point of order, this would need to be considered at an Extra Ordinary Meeting.
6. To receive the minutes of Committee meetings:
a) General Purposes & Finance Committee
b) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Committee
c) Communications and Staffing Committee
d) Environmental & Community Committee
The notes of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Meeting were received there had been no other committee meetings held.
7. Committee Membership: To consider and resolve the number of standing committees Councillors serve on within the council year, with reference to the General Purposes & Finance Committee Terms of Reference. It was resolved to defer the Terms of Reference back to the General Purposes Committee. Proposed by Councillor Parker seconded by Councillor Toynton and the majority were in favour. Councillor Tatton abstained from voting.
8. General Purposes & Finance Committee: To consider and resolve to appoint Councillor Tatton as a member of the Committee. It was resolved Councillor Tatton be appointed as a member of the General Purposes & Finance Committee. Proposed by I Holmes seconded by Councillor Parry and all were in favour.
9. Communications & Staffing Committee: To consider and resolve to appoint Councillor Grummitt as a member of the Committee. It was resolved Councillor Grummitt be appointed as a member of the Communications & Staffing Committee. Proposed by Councillor Parry seconded by Councillor Tatton and all were in favour.
10. Clerks report. The Clerks report was received.
11. Financial Matters:
a) Accounts for payment: To consider and approve the accounts for payment. It was resolved to approve the accounts for payment. Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor D Holmes and all were in favour.
b) Metheringham Locksmith: To consider and resolve the payment of the locksmith call out over the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Weekend of Celebration due to a security breach. It was resolved to approve the account for payment. Proposed by Councillor Toynton seconded by Councillor Tatton and the majority were in favour. Councillor I Holmes abstained from voting.
c) Damage to Contractors Vehicle: To consider and resolve a request from Feet First Entertainment for damage to a third-party vehicle during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration. It was resolved not to approve the payment for damage to a third-party vehicle. Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor Tatton and all were in favour.
12. Policies & Procedures: To consider and resolve to adopt the policies and procedures reviewed by the General Purposes & Finance Committee:
a. Filling of a Casual Vacancy. It was resolved to adopt the draft policy. Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor D Holmes and all were in favour.
b. Allotment Tenancy Agreement. It was resolved to adopt the draft policy. Proposed by Councillor Rymer seconded by Councillor Grummitt and the majority were in favour. Councillor D Holmes abstained from voting as an allotment holder.
c. Gifts & Hospitality Register. It was resolved to adopt the draft policy. Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor Westerman and all were in favour.
13. Code of Conduct: To consider and resolve to adopt the updated version of the NKDC Code of Conduct. It was resolved to defer the Code of Conduct Policy to the General Purposes Committee. Proposed by Councillor Parker seconded by Councillor D Holmes and all were in favour.
14. Asset Register: To consider and resolve to review and make amendments to the asset register. It was resolved to form a Task & Finish Group to review the register in details. Proposed by Councillor Worthington seconded by Councillor Toynton and all were in favour.
15. Keyholder Register: To consider and resolve:
a. To update the register of keyholders. It was resolved the Chair and Vice Chair be keyholders to the office building for their term of office, to be reviewed on an annual basis. Proposed by Councillor Parry seconded by Councillor Toynton and the majority were in favour. Councillors I Holmes and Rymer abstained from voting.
b. The nominated persons for the Parish Office alarm callout register. It was resolved the Chair and Vice Chair be the nominated callout individuals for both the Office and Community Hub. Proposed by Councillor Parry seconded by Councillor Toynton and the majority were in favour. Councillor Rymer abstained from voting.
16. Metheringham Wellbeing Walkers Group:
a. To receive a report from the Walkers Group. A report had been received from the Group; the use of the Pavilion had proved beneficial for the health and mental wellbeing of the Group and its members.
b. To consider and resolve to allow the continued use of the Pavilion to the Group on Friday mornings, by the way of a Wellbeing Grant in Kind. It was resolved the Group be allowed to continue using the Pavilion on Friday mornings. Proposed by Councillor Peek seconded by Councillor D Holmes and all were in favour.
17. Street Naming: To receive suggestions for road name for the Former Highways Depot, Metheringham. It was agreed to ask for suggestions from members of the public and be advertised on social media and in the noticeboards.
18. Lincolnshire County Council Tree Planting: To receive suggestions for suitable tree planting areas; in line with a request from Lincolnshire County Council. It was resolved to refer the item to the Community Hub Gardening Group for suggestions. Proposed by Councillor Grummitt seconded by Councillor Toynton and all were in favour.
19. Aurora Security: To consider and resolve:
a. To suspend daytime patrols except during school holidays and weekend.
b. To establish a suitable timetable for patrols.
It was resolved to defer items a. & b. until the 3-month review. Proposed by Councillor Worthington seconded by Councillor Toynton and all were in favour.
c. The invoices received for security and medics for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. It was resolved to approve the account for payment. Proposed by Councillor Parry seconded by Councillor Tatton and all were in favour.
d. To arrange a meeting with Aurora to discuss patrols. It was resolved to arrange a meeting with Aurora to discuss Patrols. Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Toynton and all were in favour.
20. Farmers Market: To consider and resolve:
a. The hire of market stalls to the Farmers Market 10th September 2022. It was resolved to allow the use of the market stalls free of charge. Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor D Holmes and all were in favour.
b. To support a Flower Pot Festival the weekend of 10th September 2022. It was resolved to support a Flower Pot Festival at no financial cost to the Council. Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Toynton and all were in favour.
21. Approved Tradesmen: To consider and resolve to compile a list of approved tradesmen to support on demand call out. It was resolved to refer the item to the Communications & Staffing Committee. Proposed by Councillor D Holmes seconded by Councillor Tatton and all were in favour.
22. Metheringham Football Club: To consider the correspondence received from Metheringham Football Club and resolve to organise a meeting as requested to discuss the Memorandum of Understanding. It was resolved to arrange a meeting with the football club. Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Rymer and all were in favour.
23. Mill: To receive an update on:
a. The invitation extended on the Mill and proposed Archive. It was discussed to send an invitation to Peter Wakeling for a meeting in 6-8 weeks.
b. The Mill House and land. The Clerk had spoken with NKDC and given a timescale of circa 8 weeks.
24. MISH: To receive an update on monies awarded to MISH during Covid19. Support given to the voluntary group MISH during Covid19 was discussed and it was agreed the Clerk write to Catherine Redpath outlining the extent of the support.
25. Veteran Committee: To consider a request for the appointment of a Veteran Committee to be responsible for the maintenance of the War Memorial Garden. The appointment of a Veteran Committee to maintain the War Memorial Garden was discussed. It was resolved to defer to the Environment & Community Committee to present to Council the remit of the Group which would be encompassed within the Community Hub Garden Group.
26. Community Gardening Group:
a. To receive an update from the Hub Group.
b. To consider and resolve request for items up to a maximum budget of £2,000 resolved at a meeting 22nd February 2022 (minute 36/2021).
c. To consider areas identified by the Group within the Parish and seek authorisation from land owners.
It was resolved to defer to an Extra Ordinary Meeting to be called by the Chair. Proposed by Councillor Parker seconded by Councillor Grummitt and all were in favour.
27. Clerk’s Appraisal: To request and receive the document applicable to the Clerk’s Appraisal and confirm a date for the Appraisal to be undertaken. The document was received.
28. Planning Applications:
i) 22/0539/HOUS 1 Fen Road, Metheringham. Installation of a dropped kerb to the front of the property. Council had no comment.
ii) 22/0718/FUL Land to the rear of 16 & 20 Dunston Road, Metheringham. Erection of 12 no. dwellings following outline approval of application 20/1774/OUT (residential development of 12 no. dwellings with means of access and layout). Council had no comment.
iii) 22/0728/HOUS 24 Lincoln Road, Metheringham. Erection of a single storey and two storey rear extensions and installation of vehicle charging point to front of property. Council raised concerns as to where the vehicle would be parking whilst using the charging point and trip hazards due to there being no driveway.
iv) 22/0749/HOUS 32 Caroline Road, Metheringham. Erection of a single storey rear extension. Council had no comment.
v) 22/0761/HOUS 30 Alfred Avenue, Metheringham. Single storey side extension and conversion of garage (re-submission of and amendment to 21/0635/HOUS). Council had no comment.
vi) 22/0806/HOUS 11 Kings Road, Metheringham. Erection of single storey rear and side elevation and demolition of existing garage. Council had no comment.
vii) 22/0816/HOUS 9 Rowan Way, Metheringham. Erection of single storey side extension to replace existing utility room. Council had no comment.
viii) 22/0834/FUL Butters Corner, Townsend Way, Metheringham. Erection of a detached dwelling with associated parking. Council had no comment.
ix) 22/0864/HOUS The Old School House, high Street, Metheringham. Partial removal of existing front extension, replacement flat roof with pitched slate roof, installation of additional window and doorway, rendering t front and rear elevations and installation of rooflights. Council had no comment.
Application for Prior Notification:
Vintage Croft, Metheringham Fen Lane, Metheringham. Erection of an agricultural building. Council had no comment.
i) 21/1960/FUL Land to the side of 7 and 9 Station Road, Metheringham. Erection of 4-bedroom dwelling and attached garage (revised scheme further to 10/1121/FUL). Application approved.
ii) 22/0457/HOUS 3 Orchard Close, Metheringham. Construction of single storey rear extension and garage conversion. Application Approved.
iii) 22/0572/HOUS 7 Station Road, Metheringham. Erection of single storey rear and two storey side extension. Application approved.
iv) 22/0594/HOUS 72 Prince’s Street, Metheringham. Erection of first floor side extension. Application approved.
24. Date and time of the next meeting. Tuesday 26th July 2022.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:35.