November 2022 Minutes
High Street, Metheringham, LINCOLN, LN43DZ
Tel: 01526 323100
Minutes from the Closed Session from the Full Council Meeting of Metheringham Parish Council which was held in the Parish Council Offices, High St. Metheringham on Tuesday 22nd November 2022 at 18:30.
Cllr Parker - Chairman
Cllr Worthington
Cllr Pembery
Cllr Tatton
Cllr Peck
Cllr Toynton
Cllr Parry
Cllr Nelson
A Lawson - Acting Clerk to the Council
5 Members of the public
1 County Councillor
Meeting commenced 18.20
- Chairman's Welcome
Housekeeping instructions were provided.
- Accept apologies for absence and reasons given in accordance with local government act 1972 s85(1)
Cllr Grummitt
Cllr Westerman
Cllr Rymer
Cllr D Holmes
Cllr I Holmes
- Members Declaration of interest
- Members declarations of interest: Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them to any point you're in a meeting in accordance with Metheringham parish council's code of conduct
None received
- Dispensations; to consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham parish councils code of conduct
- To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on:
- 27th October 2022
Proposed; Cllr Toynton, Seconded; Cllr Nelson and RESOLVED unanimously
- To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies:
- County Councillor
Month report has been issued to all councillors.LCC has issued an update of available funding to CCllrs.The impact on LCC salary issues was reported.
- District Councillors
Cllr Bailey - nothing
Cllr Pembery - report issued to all councillors
- BBH policing team
No update received
- to receive reports from Council representatives on other outside bodies
- Village Hall Management Committee
Working group have been meeting and are considering the constitution.
- Village Hall Management Committee
- Metheringham Swimming Pool
No update available however date for MOU has been set.
- Metheringham Community Hub
Problems with the door have been resolved, however lighting requires attention
- Metheringham Bowls Club
No report received
- Metheringham Football Club
have received the minutes from the morning, which includes concerns over electricity usage, vandalism and standard of cleanliness.
- To discuss remembrance Sunday event. Any Lessons Learned?
The Chairman reported that it was the best event to date, however the memorial should be cleaned before the next event.
- To resolve a response on Famers market complaint email to Star and Garter.
An update was provided. Agreed to send an email to the solicitors acting for the Star and Garter and explaining the fraudulent nature of the complaint.
Proposed; Cllr Tatton, Seconded; Cllr Worthington and RESOLVED unanimously
- To Receive an update on Banking Access to accounts
Steps have been taken to access the account and it is hopeful that the it should be available next week
- To Receive an update on the repair to the old village cross.
Reported that the work will be substantial and require highways closure. Quotes are to be sort.
Proposed; Cllr Tatton, Seconded; Cllr Nelson and RESOLVED unanimously
- To receive an update on Community Asset Order on Windmill and Mill House
Despite council previously receiving a report that an application had been made to record the Windmill and Mill House as an Asset of Community Value, it has been discovered that this is incorrect. A representative of NKDC is to advise the council on ways forward.
- To Receive an update on Fire Audit.
The Fire Audit has previously not been available to councillors. The document is now available and will be considered by the Environment Committee.
- To receive an update on FOI and ICO complaint.
The FOI requests have been dealt with.
The ICO are happy with the responses and are awaiting the confirmation letter.
- To Discuss and Resolve to employ an electrician to repair Pavillion Lights.
Possible problems with the outside lights and require access out of school hours. Council to obtain three quotes.
Proposed; Cllr Parry, Seconded; Cllr Pembery and RESOLVED unanimously
- To discuss and resolve arrangements for Christmas
- Purchase of Xmas Tree
Agreed to purchase the same size and from the same source as last year. - Lighting of Xmas tree
PAT testing to be undertaken by Cllr Worthington - School Choir to perform during Lighting
To liaise with Santa to arrange a suitable time for the school.
- Purchase of Xmas Tree
Proposed; Cllr Parker, Seconded; Cllr Peek and RESOLVED unanimously
- To Obtain wall fitted trees along high street
Agreed to defer this to the Events Committee for consideration next year. - To Receive update on Xmas Tombola
The Licence is now out of date and as such Cllr Pembery has offered to run the tombola on behalf of MPC. All funds are to go to the Fayre and Feast Fund.
Proposed; Cllr Tatton, Seconded; Cllr PToynton and RESOLVED unanimously
The judges for the Best Dressed House and Business will be ratified at the next meeting.
- To discuss and resolve the location of following items:
- Seagate external hard drive
- SD card
- Dictaphone
Agreed to write to the previous clerk and enquire about the whereabouts of the items.A request is also to be made in relation to the electricity, water and phone passwords.
Proposed; Cllr Toynton, Seconded; Cllr Pembery and RESOLVED unanimously
- To Discuss Moving Benches and Bins from Corridor and store in Container.
Agreed to carry out the work.
- To Approve invoices for payment
Item moved to closed session.
- Date and time of next meeting. Tuesday 24th January 2023