August 2022 Minutes

Minute of Metheringham, Sots Hole & Tanvats Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 10th August 2022 in the Parish Office , High Street, Metheringham.
Councillor K Parker
Councillor R Grummitt
Councillor B Nelson
Councillor S Peek
Councillor C Toynton
Councillor M Worthington
Councillor F Pembery
Councillor d Parry
Councillor D Holmes
   Clerk: Not Present
1. Chairs Remark. The chair asked for committee member to take minutes of the meeting. Councillor B Nelson agreed to do so.
 Proposed by Councillor Peek
Seconded by Councillor Grumittt
Vote unanimous to accept.
Chairman stated sick note had been found from the clerk , stating sick leave up to 28 Aug 2022.
2. Apologies for absence
Councillor I Holmes, , Councillor K Rymer, Councillor M Westerman
3. Members Declaration of Interest
A. Chair stated no declaration of interest made by any councilor’s present
B. No dispensations were asked for or granted to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Code of Conduct.
4. Approval of minutes of the meeting held on 12 July 2022
   Point of note raised on Item 9, Recording and Filming of Parish Council and Committee Meetings. As filming was conducted by a Councillor this was deemed out with standing orders and should not have been allowed.
Proposal by Councillor Grummitt that Removal of any film record from this meeting by a Councillor should be deleted Deferral Proposed 
Seconded by Councillor Peek
Voting unanimous in acceptance
5. Aurora Security Proposal
   New contract with Aurora Security considered.
   Acceptance of their proposal, proposed by Councillor Parry.
   Seconded by Councillor Pembery
   Vote unanimous to accept
6. Doughnut Box Co. Use of Village Hall Car Park.
After consideration meeting agreed to support application.
Acceptance proposed by Councillor Parry
Seconded by Councillor Pembery
Vote Unanimous to accept. Councillor parker to inform Doughnut Box Co.
Date of next meeting
   23 August 2022
K. A. Parker