August 2022 Minutes

High Street, Metheringham, LINCOLN, LN43DZ
Tel: 01526 323100
Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 24th August, 2022 at 6:15pm in the Parish Council Office, High St, Metheringham. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Council as a true record.
Cllrs K Parker (Chairman), S Peek, J Tatton, F Pembery, B Nelson, I Holmes, D Holmes, R Grummitt,
M Westerman, D Parry, and C Toynton. 
County Councillor R Kendrick.
Temporary Clerk, J Sargent.
Public Session
There were 4 members of the public in attendance. A resident asked the Parish Council to look into the lighting at the back of the Village Hall and asked for an update. The Chairman advised that as the Clerk was absent, there was no correspondence received regarding the lighting.
1. Chairman’s Remarks
Cllr Parker introduced the temporary Clerk, assisting with the August meeting - Mr J Sargent.
2. Apologies.
Cllrs K Rymer and M Worthington.
3. Declarations of Interest.
None received.
4. To approve as a correct record the minutes of Full Council Meeting held 26th July, 2022.
With the Clerk’s absence, no minutes were received by Councillors. It was resolved to defer to the next meeting. 
5. Reports from representatives on outside bodies:
a To receive report from County Councillor
Cllr Kendrick emailed his monthly newsletter and spoke briefly about the success of the Health Activities Food Programme which was funded by the County Council.
b To receive report from District Councillors
No apologies were received from the District Councillor Amelia Bailey.
c To receive monthly newsletter from BBH policing team
Reminders were issued to the public to call 101 in the event of a non-emergency. The Police had received mixed reviews with regard to dancing at the Pride celebration even in Lincoln. And two new inspectors had joined.
d To receive reports from Council representatives on other outside bodies
i Village hall management committee
The booking system is being finalised.
ii Metheringham swimming pool
None Received.
iii Metheringham community hub
User numbers are growing. Recruitment drive for volunteers taking place. An approach to schools will be made when they return.
iv Metheringham Bowls club
Won’t be winning the league, but also won’t be relegated! The club groundsman won the community champion award, it’s worth nominating those deserving from the community. The club championships are on 3rd September.
v Metheringham Football Club
There have been complaints about the grass which needs work. The teams are ready for the season ahead. They had a meeting recently and Cllr Parker will circulate the minutes from the meeting with Councillors.
6. To consider and resolve to support the Metheringham fayre & feast on Saturday 22nd October 2022 as per previous years all along the high street including road closures, including the return of the street stalls
A discussion took place regarding road closures for the event; however, it was confirmed that 13 weeks are required for a road closure which would not allow enough time. Councillors made it clear they wanted to support the event. Unfortunately, given the time frame Councillors agreed it would not be possible to host the event this year. Councillors made it clear that they are willing to support the event next year with adequate time to plan provided.
7. Consider and resolve the following:
A Appointment of a Financial Officer.
In view of the Clerk’s absence, it was resolved unanimously to appoint J Sargent temporarily as the RFO.
B Review and update of 2022 Business Plan. Suggested to be carried out by a Task and Finish Group 
Councillors were advised that this features in the Standing Orders. It was resolved that a review will be carried out by the Environment Committee.
8. To consider and resolve access to Council asset Keys to allow the asset register review to be carried out as per council resolutions.
Subject to the Clerk not returning, it was resolved by majority to remove locks and replace them. The Clerk advised to appoint key holders at a future meeting.
9. To consider and resolve to purchase and site a bench at the bottom of Kings Road / Dunston Road corner and to consider as a memorial bench. 
It has previously been resolved to install a bench at the bottom of Kings Road. It was resolved unanimously to refer to the Environment Committee to decide on the type of bench with a purchase limit set at £500.00.
10. To consider and resolve to employ the services of a professional company to deal with potential hazardous material in allotment 3B and to carry out a site survey of all area and remove all hazardous materials.
The Chairman advised Councillors they had a legal responsibility to remove any asbestos on Council property. The Clerk to obtain quotes for the removal of asbestos and refer back to the Council at the next meeting.
11. To consider and resolve to review playing field lock and chain which is reported to be broken and a temporary repair carried out by resident the covering of the chain and metal bits has been handed into office.
After a short discussion, it was resolved unanimously to purchase a new lock and chain. 
12. To consider and resolve to replace damaged / broken wood on the Stalls and appoint local business to carry out the work.
Councillors confirmed at least 15 stalls were rotten and needed restoring. It was resolved by majority to get quotes to restore stalls.
13. To consider and resolve e mail received from Laura Way of Metheringham Gardening club requesting some further clarification concerning the following points: 
1) Regarding the garden to the rear of the Parish Council Office, Council previously discussed land available for use by the Community Gardening Group and it was resolved at a meeting 09th February 2022 that the land to the rear of the Office was deemed not suitable.- Could we ask for what reasons this was deemed not suitable? 
2) The land to the rear of the allotments does unfortunately not fall under the ownership of Metheringham Parish Council. Would you please be able to advise who this does belong to, or would you be able to assist us in finding out who does own this?
3) Given the various positive impacts on village residents a community garden would have, it would be great if we could identify some land for this and would very much welcome the Parish Council's help with this.  
It was advised to refer these questions to the Clerk to answer via email when she returns from her absence.
14. Date and time of next meeting.
27th September. Reesolved unanimously.
With no further matters, Cllr Parker closed the meeting.
Chairman - Cllr Parker