March 2022 Minutes

A meeting of Metheringham, Sots Hole & Tanvats Parish Council was held on Tuesday 29th March 2022 in the Parish Office, High Street, Metheringham.      
Councillor I Holmes (Chair)
Councillor R Grummitt
Councillor D Holmes
Councillor J Manu
Councillor B Nelson
Councillor K Parker
Councillor S Peek
Councillor K Rymer
Councillor J Tatton
Councillor C Toynton
Councillor M Westerman
Apologies: None
Clerk: Karen Steels-Tallett
10 members of the public were in attendance.
Public Forum:  
G Huckle; a resident of Shiregate – agenda item 20 Decision ii)  16-20 Dunston Road.  Mr Huckle commented an objectors group on Shiregate wished to challenge any legal decision on the process of the planning application.  
J Gwillym requested clarification, is the Community Hub Coordinator instead of the Administration Assistant.  The Chair explained the position within the Community Hub which encapsulates a Library service is to ensure the future of the Hub for the future.  The Hub Corordinator is funded by the Parish Council for a period of one year.  Concerning the use of the Parish Council kitchen for the Hub, the Chair requested J Gwillym refer Council to the correct set of minutes where this was resolved.
1. Chairman’s Remarks.  The Chair opened the meeting; made the usual housekeeping announcements, and reminded members that they must abide by the Code of Conduct at all times.   The Chair reported Councillor Zambas had given her resignation.  Councillor Rymer had made the Chair aware that she would arrive late for the meeting.  The Chair together with the Clerk had met with NKDC Asbo Team and PC Matt Roberts to discuss issues within the Parish and discuss joined up thinking and cooperation.  The number of issues within the Parish over the last 8 months are well below other local areas.  Any issues should be reported via either 101 or NKDC Asbo Team.  The Chair reported he has been approached by a third party with a suggestion to set up meetings with under 21’s.
2. To accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1).  No apologies had been received.   
3. Members Declarations of Interests:
a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.  There were no declarations of interest received.   
b. Dispensations:  To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.  There were no requests for dispensations.  
4. To approve the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 22nd February 2022.  The notes of the meeting Tuesday 22nd February 2022 having been circulated prior to the meeting were taken as read and it was resolved to approve them as minutes of the meeting.  Proposed by Councillor Peek seconded by Councillor D Holmes and all were in favour.  Councillor Westerman requested all members receive a copy of the response to a set of questions posed by himself in regards to the appointment of staff, as suggested by the Clerk at the meeting 25th January and not as requested in the document.  The Chair reminded Councillor Westerman of disorderly conduct in line with Standing Order 2a & b.
5. Reports from representatives on outside bodies:
a. To receive a report from the County Councillor.  A report had been received from County Councillor Kendrick prior to the meeting and circulated.   EMR car parking charges at Metheringham Station had been referred to our local MP Caroline Johnson.  County Council are undertaking a Pharmacy Services Consultation commencing 19th April 2022.  There is an integrated care system being introduced between County Council, District Council and NHS working together to provide care services, this is a national policy.  Councillor Peek commented that work had been carried out by Western Power Distribution on Alfred Avenue and the roads had been left requiring cleaning.
b. To receive a report from the District Councillors. Councillor Pembery had sent here apologies for the meeting.  A report had been received from both Councillor Bailey and Councillor Pembery and circulated.  Councillor Bailey passed over some information on the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations and funding available to protect homes from flooding.  Councillor Bailey had recently attended a Scrutiny meeting, the panel look at policies across NKDC.  There are now 13 members on the panel, the manner in which things are being done is to change.  Councillor Bailey currently holds a District Council Clinic on Saturday’s which will now be moving to Thursdays.  Councillor Bailey requested the Clerk update her on the resolution of agenda item 17; Community Speed Watch Hand Held Radars. 
c. To receive a report from Bracebridge Heath Policing Team.   A report had been received from the Neighborhood Policing Team and circulated.      
d. To receive reports from Council representatives on other outside bodies.
i. Village Hall Management Committee – Councillor I Holmes reported that he had attended the meeting held 09th March 2022.  Meetings had been somewhat sparse, the meeting prior having taken place October 2021.  Councillor I Holmes had circulated a report to Councillors and would revisit following the Annual General Meeting of the Village Hall, which is being held 2 months late.  J Kendrick, secretary of VH requested a copy of the report circulated.    
ii. Metheringham Swimming Pool – A report had been received and circulated. 
iii. Metheringham Community Hub –  A report had been received and circulated from the Hub Coordinator.  Councillor Grummitt asked how 
outside groups hiring the facilities are making payment for the use of the Hub. And clarification on the Hub Coordinator.  The Chair commented perhaps Councillors should make an effort to visit the Hub and introduce themselves and meet the individual.    
iv. Bowls Club – the club are now preparing the Green and nearing taster sessions.  Posters had been produced.  A new mower had been purchased, there is still earmarked funds for a new barrel mower when needed.  Councillor Peek asked if there would be new signage for the Club, the donated noticeboard is currently being refurbished to include the name of the Club.  Councillor Grummitt confirmed the actions requested by the Parish Council had now been undertaken to enable payment of the Covid Recovery Grant.  The Clerk will arrange for payment to be made prior to 31st March 2022
v. Metheringham Football Club – A report had been received and circulated.  Councillor Parker reported the comments from the Football Club regarding the mess at the skatepark over the previous weekend.  It was discussed to establish a meeting with members of the Football Club to discuss any issues. 
6. To receive the minutes of Committee meetings:
a) General Purposes Committee – 07th March 2022
b) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Committee – 28th February & 14th March 2022
c) Communications and Staffing Committee – no meeting had taken place
d) Environmental & Community Committee – 10th March 2022
The notes of the meetings were received.
7. Clerks report.  The Clerk’s report was received.
8. Financial Matters:
a) Accounts for payment:  To consider and approve the accounts for payment.   It was resolved to approve the accounts for payment.  Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Grummitt and all were in favour.
9. Overtime:  To consider and resolve to pay the hours of overtime for the months of February/March in respect of the Clerk.  It was resolved to approve the overtime for payment.  Proposed by CouncillorPeek seconded by Councillor Nelson and the majority were in favour.  Councillor Westerman was against.
10. TV Screen:  To consider and resolve the purchase of a 65” Screen to enable Council to move to paperless meetings; as resolved at the Parish Council meeting 25th January 2022.  It was resolved to defer the item for further investigation.  Proposed by Councillor Parker seconded by Councillor Tatton and the majority were in favour.  Councillor I Holmes abstained from voting.  The Chair requested in view of Councillor Parker’s proposal he presents alternative suggestions to the Community & Staffing Committee at the next meeting.  
11. Citizens Advice:  To consider a request from Citizens Advice for funding and resolve to make a donation.  Councillor Grummitt proposed a donation of £1’000 seconded by Councillor Tatton.  In favour Councillors Grummitt, Westerman and Tatton.  Councillor I Holmes proposed a donation of £1’500 seconded by Councillor Toynton.  It was resolved to grant a donation to support Citizens Advice of £1,500.  Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor Toynton and the majority were in favour.  In addition it was requested to invite Citizens Advice to a meeting.
12. Shiregate Play Park Refurbishment:  To consider the quotations received for the refurbishment and resolve to carry out the works.  It was resolved to accept the quotation received from Online Playgrounds for the refurbishment works.  Proposed by Councillor D Holmes; subject to a reasonable timescale for the works to be carried out.  Seconded by Councillor Tatton and all were in favour.
13. General Purposes & Finance Committee:  To consider and resolve to adopt the draft updated Terms of Reference.  Councillor I Holmes requested a recorded vote for the agenda item.  It was resolved to adopt the Terms of Reference for the Committee.  Proposed by Councillor Rymer seconded by Councillor I Holmes and the majority were in favour.  Those in favour Councillors D Holmes, I Holmes, Manu, Nelson, Peek and Rymer.  Against; Councillors Grummitt, Parker, Tatton, Toynton and Westerman.   
14. Community Hub Co-ordinator:  To consider and resolve to allocate a petty cash float of £250 from Community Hub Funds, to be managed in conjunction with the RFO to ensure proper accounting is prepared and reconciled on a regular monthly basis.  Councillor Westerman proposed a float of £100, there was no seconder for the proposal.  It was resolved to allocate a petty cash float of £250.  Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Rymer and the majority were in favour.
15. Environment Enforcement Officer:  To consider and resolve to employ an environment enforcement officer.  It was resolved to engage the services of Aurora Training and Security Solutions for 10 hours per week at adhoc times; to include coverage Friday and Saturday, initially for a period of 3 months.  Reports will be considered by the Enviorment & Community Committee; with daily reports emailed to Councillors.  Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Parker and all were in favour.  
20:15 Councillor I Holmes proposed in line with Standing Order 3 x, that the meeting be extended beyond the 2 hours to complete the agenda items.  Seconded by Councillor Rymer and all were in favour.
16. Additional Speed Indicator Device Post Locations:  To consider and resolve 3 further locations as recommended by Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and instruct installation of posts.   It was resolved to locate the pole donated by Lincolnshire County Council on Dunston Road; to be installed by Wilcox Holmes.  2 further poles to be located on Prince’s Street; i) neat to number 57 and ii) outside the Playpark.  Proposed by Councillor Parker seconded by Councillor Tatton and all were in favour. 
17. Community Speed Watch Hand Held Radars:  
a. To consider and resolve if to participate in the Community Speed Watch Scheme
b. To consider and resolve to purchase the Community Speed Watch Equipment.
It was resolved to defer the item to the June 2022 meeting to allow time for the new Speed Indicator Devices to be installed and communicate with District Councillor Bailey regarding volunteers.  Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor D Holmes and all were in favour.
18. The Parish Councillors Guide by Paul Claydon:  To consider and resolve to purchase a number of copies for loan to Councillors.  It was resolved to purchase 12 copies of the publication, a deposit of £10 to be taken from Councillors, the publications would remain the property of Metheringham Parish Council and be returned following the resignation of Councillors.  Proposed by Councillor Parker seconded by Councillor Tatton and all were in favour. 
19. Policies & Procedures:  To consider and resolve to adopt the policies and procedures reviewed by the General Purposes Committee:
a. Community Engagement Statement of Intent.  It was resolved to adopt the Statement of Intent.  Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Toynton and all were in favour.
b. Document Retention, Archive and Destruction Policy.  It was resolved to adopt the Policy.  Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor Nelson and all were in favour.
c. Environmental Policy and Checklist.  It was resolved to adopt the Policy and Checklist.  Proposed by Councillor D Holmes seconded by Councillor Grummitt and all were in favour.
d. Councillor / Employee Protocol.  It was resolved to adopt the Protocol.  Proposed by Councillor Rymer seconded by Councillor Toynton and all were in favour.
20. Planning Applications:
i. 22/0233/HOUS  31 Kings Road, Metheringham.  Erection of single storey rear extension.  Council had no comments
ii. 21/1960/FUL  Land to the side of 7 and 9 Station Road, Metheringham.  Erection of 4-bedroom dwelling and attached garage (revised scheme further to 10/1121/FUL)  Council had no comments
iii. 22/0223/HOUS  5 Taylors Yard, Metheringham.  Erection of a single storey motorcycle storage garage.  Council had no comments
i) 21/1751/HOUS  33 Paddock Lane, Metheringham.  Erection of two storey rear extension.  Application approved.    
ii) 21/1774/OUT  Land to Rear of 16 & 20 Dunston Road, Metheringham.  Residential development of 12 no. dwellings (outline with means of access and layout).  Application approved.  
21. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Exclusion of the Press and the Public: To resolve that in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business, the press and public be excluded.  It was resolved to move into closed session.  Proposed by Councillor Grummitt seconded by Councillor Nelson and all were in favour.
22.  Co-option:  To consider an application for co-option received from a Parishioner.  It was proposed by coopt D Parry onto the Council.  Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Westerman and the majority were in favour.  Councillors D Holmes, I Holmes, Manu and Rymer were against.  Councillor Toynton abstained from voting.
23.  Complaint:  To consider and resolve the final response to a complainant.  The final response to the complainant was resolved.  Proposed by Councillor Toynton, seconded by Councillor Manu and all were in favour.   
24. Date and time of the next meeting.   Annual Village Meeting 26th April 2022.