October 2022 Minutes
High Street, Metheringham, LINCOLN, LN43DZ
Tel: 01526 323100
Draft minutes of the Full Council Meeting of Metheringham Parish Council held in the Parish Council Offices, High St. Metheringham on Thursday 27th October 2022 at 18:30.
Cllr K Parker - Chairman
Cllr S Peek
Cllr C Toynton
Cllr B Nelson
Cllr D Holmes
Cllr R Grummitt
Cllr D Parry
Cllr F Penbury
Cllr M Worthington
Cllr J Tatton
Mrs A Lawson - Minute taker
Members of the public
Seven members of the public
External Representatives
CCllr R Kendrick
Public Forum commenced at 6.15pm
- A member of the public queried an outstanding bill and when they will receive payment. An accompanying letter was given to all councillors.
- Another member of the public requested banking details for loan repayments.
- Another member of the public queried a different outstanding invoice.
- Chairman's Welcome
The Temporary Clerk has been offered additional hours in order resolve the current issues and a second assistant clerk has been approached.
- Accept apologies for absence and reasons given in accordance with local government act 1972 s85(1)
Apologies received from Cllr K Rymer, Cllr I Holmes, Cllr M Westerman
- Members Declaration of interest
- Members declarations of interest: Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them to any point you're in a meeting in accordance with Metheringham parish council's code of conduct
None received
- Dispensations; to consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham parish councils code of conduct
None required
- To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on:
- 12th July 2022
PROPOSED Cllr Tatton SECONDED Cllr Toynton and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
- 26th July 2022
Decision deferred
PROPOSED Cllr Toynton SECONDED Cllr Pembury and unanimously RESOLVED to defer the decision.
- 11th October 2022
PROPOSED Cllr Toynton SECONDED Cllr Tatton and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
- To ratify the minutes of the Staffing Committee meeting held on 11th October 2002.
Decision deferred
PROPOSED Cllr Toynton SECONDED Cllr Tatton and ABSTENTION Cllr Grummitt council RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
- To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies:
- County Councillor
Cllr Kendrick addressed concerns regarding roadworks and advised residents use the One Network page.
Reminded council of the current Avian Flu’ restrictions.
Informed council about te Children and Mental Health Review being undertaken by Lincolnshire County Council.
- District Councillors
Report has been emailed to all councillors - BBH policing team
No formal report received however representative updated that the council on the current Neighbourhood policing polices; Dwelling burglary, drug dealing, scams and fraud. - to receive reports from Council representatives on other outside bodies
- Village Hall Management Committee
First meeting of working group has taken place. Terms of Reference to be considered. - Metheringham Swimming Pool
MOU review to be arranged - Metheringham Community Hub
Not available - Metheringham Bowls Club
New tables have been purchased using funds raised at the Jubilee. The tables were used at the recent presentation evening. - Metheringham Football Club
Glendale have not cut the grass and will be contacted. Need to review electricity costs for the CCTV.
- Village Hall Management Committee
- To consider and resolve to employ additional temporary clerk to attend to office administration and attend meetings of MPC.
PROPOSED Cllr Toynton SECONDED Cllr Pembury and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the proposal.
- To consider and resolve to remove clerk from Banking facilities and as a signatory.
- Cllr Tatton SECONDED Cllr Pembury and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the proposal.
- To consider and resolve existing bank signatory to endorse banking mandate forms for new signatories.
- Cllr Tatton SECONDED Cllr Pembury and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the proposal.
- To consider and resolve to appoint 3 councillors to become Bank signatories.
Resolved to make Cllr Worthington, Cllr Parker, Cllr Grummitt bank signatories
PROPOSED Cllr Parker SECONDED Cllr Pembury and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the proposal.
- To consider and resolve to accept the offer of a £3000 loan from Dunston parish council towards existing outstanding debts.
- Cllr Tatton SECONDED Cllr Pembury and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the proposal.
- To discuss and resolve which invoices to pay.
Council resolved to pay the invoices for the following organisations and businesses;
Litter picker
Admin Assistant
Local Tradesman
Cleaning company
Total funds to pay out £2839
- Cllr Holmes SECONDED Cllr Tatton and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the proposal.
- To receive update on Famers market complaint email to star and Garter.
The Chairman updated the council on the progress of this issue.
- To receive an update on FOI and ICO complaint.
The Chairman updated the council on the progress of this issue.
- To consider and resolve to continue the services of Chris Randall HR solicitor to resolve employment issues.
The Chairman advised that there may be further investigations required. Councillors advised to forward all information relevant to the Subject Access Request to the Solicitor.
PROPOSED Cllr Pembury SECONDED Cllr Tatton and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the proposal.
- To consider and resolve to continue the services of Wright and Lilley to help payroll and banking issues.
PROPOSED Cllr Tatton SECONDED Cllr Peek and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the proposal.
- To consider and resolve to appoint 2 councillors to hold web site passwords to allow website to be updated.
Council proposed that the Chairman and Vice Chair should hold the passwords, however all councillors should have access.
PROPOSED Cllr Pembury SECONDED Cllr Tatton and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the proposal.
- To discuss and resolve the location of following items:
- Seagate external hard drive
- SD card
- Dictaphone
Council proposed that Chris Randall writes to the previous clerk and request the return of the items.
PROPOSED Cllr Toynton SECONDED Cllr Pembury and unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the proposal.
- To receive update on Remembrance Sunday event.
To liaise with local groups with regards to the Friday and Sunday events.
- To receive update on Village Hall Working group meeting and minutes.
Minutes had been circulated and agreed to create a Constitution.
- Date and time of next meeting.
22nd November 2022 time TBA
Meeting closed 8.02pm