May 2022 Minutes EOM

                                   An Extra Ordinary meeting of Metheringham, Sots Hole & Tanvats Parish Council was held on Wednesday 04th May 2022 in the Parish Office, High Street, Metheringham.      
Councillor I Holmes (Chair)
Councillor R Grummitt
Councillor D Holmes
Councillor B Nelson
Councillor K Parker
Councillor D Parry
Councillor S Peek
Councillor K Rymer
Councillor J Tatton
Councillor C Toynton
Councillor M Westerman
Apologies: None received
Clerk: Karen Steels-Tallett
2 members of the public was in attendance.
Public Forum:  
M Wright addressed Council regarding her possible co-option as a Parish Councillor.
M Worthington addressed Council regarding the proposed Hail & Ride Stop outside 42 High Street; following a meeting which had taken place with a representative from Lincolnshire Highways.  He further addressed Council on his possible co-option as a Parish Councillor.  
1. To accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1).   No apologies had been received.  
2. Members Declarations of Interests:
a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct. There were no declarations of interest.     
b. Dispensations:  To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.  There were no requests for dispensations.    
3. Environmental & Community Committee: To consider and resolve that the Committee meeting date scheduled for Wednesday 11th May 2022 be moved to Thursday 12th May 2022 to give Councillors the opportunity to attend the Village Hall Annual General Meeting.  It was resolved to leave the Committee meeting at Wednesday 11th May 2022.   Proposed by Councillor Parker seconded by Councillor Westerman and the majority were in favour.  Councillors I Holmes, Nelson, Rymer and Toynton abstained from voting.
4. Flag Pole:  To consider and resolve:
a) To obtain quotations for the supply and installation of a 6-metre pole with internal halyard.  It was resolved to obtain quotations for the supply and installation of a pole.  Proposed by Councillor Parry seconded by Councillor Rymer and the majority were in favour.  Councillor Westerman was against.
b) General siting of flag pole to the front of the office; to be subject to minor amendment by the installer.  It was resolved to request a site survey from the provider for suitable positions.  Proposed by Councillor Parker seconded by Councillor Tatton and the majority were in favour.  Councillor Westerman was against.
c) To consider and resolve the purchase of a new Union Flag.  It was resolved to purchase a new Union Flag.  Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor I Holmes and all were in favour. 
5. Handyperson:  To consider and resolve:
a) To employ a Handyperson for an average 10 hours per week / 520 hours per annum.  It was resolved to refer back to the Communications & Staffing Committee for a clear understanding of what is required.  Proposed by Councillor Nelson seconded by Councillor Parry and the majority were in favour.  Councillors I Holmes and Rymer were against.
b) The job description and advertisement.  It was resolved the agenda item be deferred.  Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor Tatton and all were in favour.
c) The Clerk advertise the position in line with the Communications & Staffing Committee Terms of Reference.  It was resolved the agenda item be deferred.  Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor Tatton and all were in favour.
6. Moving to Paperless Meetings:  Following on from concerns raised by Councillors about installing a large TV Screen in the Parish Council Office at the meeting 29th March 2022.  To now consider and resolve: 
a) The purchase of a near screen HD Projector which will allow for presentation of meetings and also be available for use by other village organisations.  It was resolved agenda items 6 a) and 6 b) be deferred pending Councillor Tatton carry out a test to assess the suitability of projector.  Proposed by Councillor Parker seconded by Councillor Parry and the majority were in favour.  Councillors I Holmes and Rymer abstained from voting.
b) To purchase a ceiling mounted screen up to a maximum size of 2metres by 1.6 metres and obtain quotations for installation.
c) To purchase 14 x 10-inch tablets for use by Councillors on Council business; to also include Microsoft 365 and a carry case, up to a maximum value of £150 per tablet.  It was resolved to purchase 14 x 10-inch tablets.  Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Toynton.  Councillors D Holmes, I Holmes, Rymer, Tatton and Toynton were in favour.  Councillors Grummitt, Nelson, Parry, Parker and Westerman were against.  Councillor Peek abstained from voting.  The Chair; Councillor I Holmes exercised his casting vote.
7. Street Furniture:  
a) To consider and resolve the refurbishment or replacement of all existing village benches to be paid for out of Community Infrastructure Levy monies.  It was resolved to refurbish / replace village benches as necessary.  Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Rymer and all were in favour.
b) To discuss and resolve suitable locations for additional benches and waste bins and to request that the Clerk seeks permission from relevant landowners if necessary.  It was resolved to site additional benches:
i)  junction of Kings Road / Dunston Road.  Proposed by Councillor Grummitt seconded by Councillor Toynton and all were in favour
ii)  Dunston Road by the allotments.  Proposed by Councillor Rymer seconded by Councillor Grummitt and all were in favour.
iii)  Cherry Tree Close.  Proposed by Councillor Peek seconded by Councillor Tatton and the majority were in favour.  Councillors D Holmes and Toynton were against.
It was resolved to site an additional waste bin on Caroline Road (Green area) and a new bin on Paddock Lane.  Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor D Holmes and all were in favour.  
Minor amendment to agenda item 7b, to request the Clerk contact Lincoln Coop for permission to site a bench outside the Post Office / Chemist.  Proposed by Councillor Grummitt seconded by Councillor D Holmes and all were in favour.     
8. Youth Shelters:  To consider and resolve the refurbishment of two youth shelters located on the Recreation Field and obtain quotations for the works.  It was resolved to proceed with the refurbishment.  Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor I Holmes and all were in favour.
9. Play Parks:  To consider and resolve:
a) The Play Inspection Company undertake an initial inspection of the facilities and recommend any necessary works.  It was resolved to undertake the inspection.  Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor Tatton and all were in favour.
b) To seek recommendations from the Play Inspection Company as to required inspection frequency and the cost involved.  It was resolved to undertake recommendations by the Play Inspection Company.  Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor D Holmes and all were in favour.
10. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Exclusion of the Press and the Public: To resolve that in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business, the press and public be excluded.  It was resolved to move into closed session.  Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor Rymer and all were in favour.
11. Co-option:  To consider applications received for co-option from Parishioners.  It was resolved to co-opt F Pembery and M Worthington and the majority were in favour.
i) Vacancy due to the resignation of V Zambas:
M Worthington proposed by Councillor Parker seconded by Councillor Toynton
F Pembery proposed by Councillor Parry seconded by Councillor Westerman
It was resolved M Worthington be co-opted.
ii) Vacancy due to the resignation of J Manu:
F Pembery proposed by Councillor Toynton seconded by Councillor Westerman
M Wright proposed by Councillor Rymer seconded by Councillor I Holmes
It was resolved F Pembery be co-opted.
Councillors Tatton and Grummitt abstained from voting.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:10.