May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Minute 22/5/03 of Metheringham, Sots Hole & Tanvats Parish Council Parish Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 24th May 2022 in the Parish Office, High Street, Metheringham

Annual General Meeting of Metheringham, Sots Hole & Tanvats Parish Council was held on Tuesday 24th May 2022 in the Parish Office, High Street, Metheringham.      
Councillor I Holmes 
Councillor R Grummitt
Councillor D Holmes
Councillor B Nelson
Councillor K Parker
Councillor D Parry
Councillor S Peek
Councillor F Pembery
Councillor K Rymer
Councillor J Tatton
Councillor C Toynton
Councillor M Westerman
Councillor M Worthington
Apologies: None
Clerk: Karen Steels-Tallett
15 members of the public were in attendance.
Public Forum:  
J Riley; raised concerns regarding the Car Park on Middle Street.  Agenda item 14 to deal with outstanding Parish works.  A parishioner raised it had been stated a financial report would be available at the meeting for the year ended 31st March 2022.  Chair explained this was to be agreed at the meeting agenda item 13b).  Minutes are not displayed in the noticeboards, Chair explained that the minutes are readily available but not displayed in noticeboards.  M Williams representing the Gardening Group, what are the plans going forward following the resignation of the Hub co-ordinator?  Chair gave reassurance that the Hub would still be available for use.  M Williams confirmed the Group wanted to work with Council.
1. To elect a Chair of the Council.   It was resolved that Councillor Parker be elected Chair for the 2022/2023 civic year.
2. To receive the Chair’s declaration of acceptance of office.  Councillor Parker signed and dated his Acceptance of Office.
3.     To elect a Vice Chair of the Council.  It was resolved that Councillor Grummitt be elected vice chair for the 2022/2023 civic year.
4. To resolve to accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1).  District Councillor Bailey and County Councillor Kendrick had sent their apologies.
5. Members Declarations of Interests:
a) Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting in accordance with Metheringham Parish 
 Councils Code of Conduct.  Councillor Worthington declared an interest in agenda item 19v).
b)    Dispensations:  To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with Metheringham Parish Councils Code of Conduct.    There were no requests for dispensations.
6. To appoint representatives to outside bodies:  Members must be independent of the outside body they are appointed to, should consult with Council prior to attending meetings and report back to Council on a regular basis.  
a) Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) County Committee –           Councillor Parker
b) Village Hall Management Committee – Councillor Parry
c) Metheringham Swimming Pool – Councillor Worthington
d) Metheringham Bowls Club – Councillor Grummitt
e) Metheringham Community Hub – Councillor Westerman
7. Appointments to Committees of the Council
To consider and resolve to appoint members to serve on the Committees of the Council
• General Purposes and Finance Committee – Membership:  Councillor Grummitt, D Parry, I Holmes, Nelson and Worthington.  Proposed by Councillor Parker seconded by Councillor Rymer and all were in favour. 
• Communications and Staffing Committee   - Membership:  Councillors I Holmes, D Parry, F Pembery, C Toynton and M Westerman.  Proposed by Councillor Parker seconded by Councillor Worthington and all were in favour.
• Environmental and Community Committee – Membership: Councillors Grummitt, I Holmes, Nelson, Peek, Toynton, Westerman and Worthington.  Proposed by Councillor Parker seconded by Councillor Nelson and all were in favour.
8. Asset Register:  To consider and verify the asset register for 2021-2022.  It was resolved to accept the Asset Register subject to minor amendment.  Proposed by Councillor Parry seconded by Councillor Worthington and all were in favour. 
9. To approve the notes of the Parish Council Meetings held on Tuesday 29th March 2022, 21st April 2022 and 04th May 2022.  It was resolved to approve the minutes of 29th March 2022 as a true record of the meeting with a minor amendment to item 4.  Proposed by Councillor Worthington seconded by Councillor Toynton and the majority were in favour.  Councillors I Holmes and Rymer were against.
It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting 21st April 2022 as a true record of the meeting.  Proposed by Councillor Nelson seconded by Councillor Rymer and all were in favour.
It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting 04th May 2022 as a true record of the meeting.  Proposed by Councillor Westerman seconded by Councillor Grummitt and all were in favour. 
10. Reports from representatives on outside bodies: 
a) To receive a report from the County Councillor.  A report had been received and  circulated prior to the meeting.
b) To receive a report from the District Councillors.  A report was received from District Councillor Pembery.
c) To receive a report from the Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Policing Team .  A report had been received prior to the meeting and circulated.
d) To receive reports from Council representatives on other outside bodies.
i) Village Hall Management Committee – a report had been received and circulated.
ii) Metheringham Swimming Pool  - a report had been received and circulated.
iii) Metheringham Community Hub – NKDC are to deliver a digital Hub on Wednesday’s following a survey undertaken.  
iv) Metheringham Bowls Club – a social evening had been attended by the majority of members and Jubilee celebrations were underway.  The Club have 12 new members.
11. To receive the minutes of Committee meetings:
a) General Purposes & Finance Committee
b) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Committee
c) Communications and Staffing Committee 
d) Environmental & Community Committee
The notes of the Committee meetings were received.
12. Clerks Report .  The Clerk’s report was received.
3. Financial matters:
a) Insurance: 
i) To consider and approve the Council's Insurance renewal premium due on 1st June 2022 at a cost of £2,357.50.  This takes into consideration a 3-year long term agreement of which this is year 3. (budgeted item).  It was resolved to accept the renewal premium as stated.  Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor Westerman and all were in favour.
ii) To consider and approve the Insurance renewal premium due on 1st June 2022 for the Metheringham Swimming Pool Management Committees Insurance at a cost of £814.09.  It was resolved to accept the renewal premium as stated.  Proposed by Councillor Worthington seconded by Councillor Tatton and the majority were in favour.  Councillor Rymer abstained from voting as a Trustee of the Pool.
iii) To consider and approve the Insurance Renewal premium due on 1st June 2022 for Metheringham Village Hall Management Committees Insurance at a cost of £510.92.  It was resolved to accept the renewal premium as stated.  Proposed by Councillor Rymer seconded by Councillor Parry and all were in favour.
iv)  To consider and approve the Engineering Inspection Insurance for Metheringham Swimming Pool and Metheringham Village Hall at a cost of £493.87.  It was resolved to accept the renewal premium as stated.  Proposed by Councillor Pembery seconded by Councillor Tatton and the majority were in favour.  Councillor Rymer abstained from voting as a trustee of the Pool.
b) Annual Return year ended 31 March 2022:
i) To consider, approve and sign Section 1 – Annual Governance statement 2021/2022.  It was resolved to approve and sign the Annual Governance Statement.  Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor Nelson and the majority were in favour.  Councillor Westerman abstained from voting.
ii) To consider, approve and sign Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2021/2022.  It was resolved to approve and sign Section 2 of the Accounting Statements.  Proposed by Councillor Rymer seconded by Councillor I Holmes and the majority were in favour.  Councillor Westerman abstained from voting.
iii) To consider and approve publishing the approved signed Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements along with documents for the exercise of public rights on the parish website.  It was resolved to approve publishing the approved signed Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements along with the documents for the exercise of public rights.  Proposed by Councillor I Holmes seconded by Councillor D Holmes and the majority were in favour.  Councillor Westerman abstained from voting.
c) Accounts for Payment:  
i) To consider and approve retrospective payment of the April accounts.  It was resolved to retrospectively approve the accounts for payment.  Proposed by Councillor Grummitt seconded by Councillor I Holmes and all were in favour.
ii) To consider and approve payment of the May accounts.  It was resolved to approve the accounts for payment.  Proposed by Councillor Toynton seconded by Councillor Worthington and all were in favour.
14.   General Parish Works:  To consider and resolve the employment of a contractor to undertake minor works not currently being undertaken; and to instruct the Clerk to engage the contractor to proceed with the works, up to a maximum cost of £2,000, the majority of the works to be undertaken in time for the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.  Councillor Tatton offered to undertake the works free of charge.  Councillor Worthington proposed a minor amendment to the agenda item to allow Levex Ltd to undertake the works free of charge, seconded by Councillor D Holmes and all were in favour. 
15.        Prince’s Street Play Park:  To consider and resolve to instruct Sports and Play Consulting to undertake an initial Feasibility Study as a starting point for future development of the Play Park, as recommended by the Environmental & Community Committee.    It was resolved to defer the agenda item back to the Environment & Community Committee.  Proposed by Councillor Nelson seconded by Councillor Tatton and all the majority were in favour.  Councillors D Holmes, I Holmes and Rymer were against.
16.         Replacement Village Signage:  To consider and resolve to update signage within the Parish to include updated Crest and contact details as appropriate, and to instruct Allen Signs to carry out the works as quoted.  It was resolved to proceed with the replacement signage subject to the cost not having increased.  Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor D Holmes and all were in favour.
17.         Power Supply Star & Garter Field:  To consider and resolve to accept the offer made by the organisers of Meg Beer Fest to upgrade the electricity supply box on the Star & Garter field, free of charge, fully certificated.  It was resolved to accept the offer to upgrade the electricity supply box free of charge, fully certified.  Proposed by Councillor Tatton seconded by Councillor D Holmes and all were in favour.
18.        Street Café Licence Application, 34 High Street:  To retrospectively resolve the response in relation to the application.  The response to the application was retrospectively resolved.  Proposed by Councillor Rymer seconded by Councillor I Holmes and all were in favour. 
19. Planning Applications:
i) 22/0457/HOUS – 3 Orchard Close, Metheringham.  Construction of single storey rear extension and garage conversion.   Council had no comments.
ii) 22/0482/FUL – Moorlands Trading Estate, Moor Lane, Metheringham.  Erection of steel portal framed building to form no. 2 business starter units for flexible use with Use Classes B2, B8 and e(g) along with associated parking.  Council had no comments.
iii) 22/0561/FUL – The Old Kennels, 1 Metheringham Heath Lane, Nocton.  Change of use of paddock to dog park.  Council had no comments.
iv) 22/0572/HOUS – 7 Station Road, Metheringham.  Erection of single storey rear and two storey side extension.   Council had no comments.
v) 22/0589/HOUS – 40 High Street, Metheringham.  Replacement of existing glazed roof with new tiled roof, replacement of existing flat roof to rear elevation and reconstruction of existing rear wall.  Council had no comments.      
vi) 22/0594/HOUS – 72 Princes Street, Metheringham.  Erection of first floor side extension.  Council had no comments.
vii) 22/0596/HOUS – Bridge House, Metheringham Lane, Dunston.  Part demolition of existing property and erection of 2 storey wraparound front and side extension, single storey front extension and single storey side extension.  Council had no comments.
viii) 22/0612/HOUS – 19 Bentley Way, Metheringham.  Erection of a single storey front extension.  Council had no comments.
Notice of Decisions:  
i) 22/0223/HOUS – 5 Taylors Yard, Metheringham.  Erection of a single storey outbuilding for storage.  Application approved.
ii) 22/0233/HOUS – 31 Kings Road, Metheringham.  Erection of single storey rear extension.  Application approved.
24. Date and time of the next meeting.   Tuesday 28th June 2022.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 19:40